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How to safely disinfect all types of face masks


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Medical professionals recommend washing the cloth face mask after each use. Getty Images
  • Experts say face masks help prevent the spread of COVID-19 by providing a barrier to trap respiratory splashes containing viruses..
  • However, contaminated masks can also spread the disease.
  • We recommend cleaning the mask after each use.
  • Ideally, non-cleanable masks should be discarded after use.

Face masks help reduce the spread of COVID-19 by providing a barrier for catching respiratory droplets that are released when people cough, sneeze, or speak.

That these droplets carry the virus from person to person Dr Steve Pelgam, MPH, Seattle Cancer Care Alliance Medical Director of Infection Prevention.

If a nearby person inhales the droplets or falls into your mouth or nose, you can get the virus.

Infection can also occur if a person touches a contaminated mask and then touches their mouth or nose.

Therefore, the mask Cleaning and disinfection Regularly.

Here’s how to safely disinfect common types of masks for reuse during a pandemic and how to handle medical-grade masks that can’t be properly cleaned outside the medical setting.

Debra Goff, PharmD, FIDSA, and FCCP are infectious disease specialists and professors of pharmacy practice at the Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center, and cloth masks, bandanas, scarves, and neck gaiters are all cleanable and reusable. It is a type of face mask.

To wash the mask in the washing machine, wash your hands first. Then remove the mask, taking care not to touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.

Put the mask directly in the washing machine and wash your hands immediately.

She recommends using regular laundry detergent with bleach.

Once the mask is washed, dry it over high heat until it is completely dry.

If you wash your mask by hand, we recommend that you follow the same steps you would use to wash your hands before removing the mask.

To disinfect the mask, soak it in 4 bleuts of household bleach per quart of water for 5 minutes.

After soaking the mask, rinse well with water.

Allow the mask to air dry.

Goff says it’s best to clean the cloth’s face mask after each use.

YeahDr., professor and director of biomedical engineering and director of the Biomanufacturing Center for Regenerative Medicine at State University of New York at Binghamton University, certain types of masks such as N95 and surgical masks are designed for single use. It says that. only.

For the average person, this means that the mask should be thrown into the trash after it has been worn.

But with proper disinfection, he says it can be reused in a professional setting.

For example, N95 masks can be disinfected with UVC germicidal irradiation or vapor-phase hydrogen peroxide, he says.

However, due to low demand, it has not been tested for disinfection or reuse of surgical masks.

If you cannot replace the mask after each use, Goff recommends inspecting the mask when you remove it.

If the mask is dirty, torn, or saturated with moisture, she says it needs to be discarded.

If you think it is clean and undamaged, we recommend storing it in a clean paper bag or other breathable container after each use.

However, ideally do not reuse.

Face shields belong to their own category, according to Goff.

There is no open back sneezing or cough protection as the sides are open.

However, it protects the eyes.

Goff says face shields are often worn in addition to face masks for additional protection.

To clean the face shield, she says, first wipe the inside with a clean cloth or cleaner wipe dampened with a mild detergent solution.

Then wipe the outside with a disinfectant wipe or a clean cloth dampened with disinfectant.

Then wipe the outside of the face shield with clean water or alcohol to remove any residue.

Air dry the face shield.

Finally, wash your hands when you’re done.

Face masks are an important way to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The mask must be cleaned or discarded after use.

The cloth face mask can be disinfected by washing.

Medical masks are not designed to be reused. They should be thrown into the trash unless you are a medical professional and have access to the proper equipment to disinfect them.

The face shield can be used in conjunction with a face mask for added protection. They should also be cleaned during use.


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