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Monsoons can cause hair loss, but paying attention to your diet can prevent it


To prevent hair loss, you need to ensure a healthy, balanced diet rich in micronutrients such as protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iron and vitamin C.

Many of you may now be aware of excessive amounts of hair loss. This may lead you to worry about slow baldness and try every possible treatment to prevent it from happening. There are many reasons for this hair loss, possibly due to the monsoon season, but diet is often important.

Hair removal and diet

Vitamins and minerals are important for normal cell growth and function, and deficiency contributes to hair loss, and it is essential to identify hair loss or the cause of hair loss.

Undernourishment can affect both hair structure and hair growth. The exact mechanism is not well understood, but lack of calories or lack of some elements such as vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids, and proteins can cause hair loss and structural abnormalities. A low-calorie crush diet that lacks essential nutrients can cause or exacerbate hair loss. Various studies have been conducted to identify the role of nutrients such as vitamins A, B, C, D, iron, folic acid, vitamin B12, zinc, selenium, proteins and essential fatty acids in hair loss.

The role of nutrition in the absence of deficiency is inconclusive and contradictory. To prevent hair loss, you need to ensure a healthy, balanced diet rich in protein, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D, iron, vitamin C, and other micronutrients such as zinc and selenium. To ensure healthy hair and prevent hair loss, correct for whole grains, beans, legumes, nuts, seeds, dairy products, dairy products, green leaves and colored vegetables and fruits, fatty fish, eggs. You need a ratio. Avoid trendy diet and crash diet programs because they are usually deficient in these essential nutrients. Rehydrate and avoid highly processed and refined foods.

Why too much hair falls during the monsoon

Hair loss due to periodic shedding of hair may increase with seasonal changes. This is due to hormonal changes designed to cause shedding.

The main purpose of the hair of our ancestors was to protect against colds. Fewer hairs are needed for this purpose during the summer season. Also, during the monsoon season, moisture in the air increases, causing hair roots to fray due to moisture and sweat. Also, during the monsoon season, frizz increases, causing hair to become more entangled and fall.

Habits to follow to reduce hair loss

  • After bathing, do not get your hair wet after exercise.

  • Wash your hair every other day, or at intervals that best suit your hair.

  • If your hair is wet, do not rub it excessively with a towel.

  • Use a wide-teeth wooden comb to reduce the static charge that leads to more hair loss.

This article was written by Sandy Yapandi, Gurugram’s principal clinical nutritionist at Fortis Memorial Institute, and Dr. Sachin Dawan, a senior consultant for Gurgagram Dermatology at Fortis Memorial Institute.

See the following articles for more information. Dietary habits to prevent hair loss..

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