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Cancer patient, 12 years old, week diagnosed after twin death


The mother revealed that her 12-year-old son was diagnosed with leukemia just two weeks after her twin funeral.

Julie Parton’s son Ben lost a significant amount of weight when he began vomiting every few days. The doctor fired twice as a stomach bug.

51-year-old Parton rushed him to the hospital only after he fell while he was awake from bed. Multiple brain tumors were diagnosed as glioblastoma.

The doctor gave Ben less than two years of life, and he died eight months later at age 12.

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Ben’s twin Jack was thought to have post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) when he complained of back pain and nausea just two weeks after his brother’s funeral.

Testing revealed that Jack had leukemia.

Parton-Staffordshire-Acknowledged that Jack’s leukemia was slightly “palliated,” and Ben is easier to treat than a brain tumor that “never really has the opportunity.”

Although Jack is in remission, he continues chemotherapy for two and a half years to prevent the disease from recurring.


Ben has had two surgeries to get rid of the cancer. (Attachment: Brain tumor research)

“It’s almost impossible to say how horrible this is,” said Parton.

“It’s a hammer blow to experience everything with Ben and to know that Jack was fighting cancer just two weeks after his funeral, just as we were grieving for his loss. did.”

Ben developed a headache at the age of 11 in March 2019. When he started vomiting, his mother first wrote it down in a sick bug around his school.

For safety, she took him to A & E at Walsall Manor Hospital, where doctors agreed that it was likely gastroenteritis.

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By vomiting in and out, Ben had lost significant weight by mid-April and had a hard time moving his right arm.

After returning to the hospital, Parton was once again said to be a stomach worm and the doctor administered Ben’s antacid.

“Everyone felt dragged. Ben took him again to A & E because he was still poor. So his blood test results were good and sent along the way. It was.” Told the brain tumor research..

“But just four days later, Ben got up out of bed, fell, and was taken to the hospital by ambulance, this time at New Cross in Wolverhampton.

“He received a CT scan, [we] Ben was informed of the devastating news of having a brain tumor. “

The family was immediately transferred to the Birmingham Children’s Hospital where Ben had surgery.

Ben complained of a headache while waiting for radiation therapy. The scan was revealed on June 4th, and the tumor recurred, requiring another surgery six days later.

On July 3, Ben started 30 radiation treatments.

read more: 17-year-old teen undergoing surgery to remove a brain tumor

“It wasn’t until the last few weeks of treatment that he began to get sick again,” Parton said.

“Ben should have had four cycles of chemotherapy on September 23rd.

“After the second cycle, it was clear that the drug wasn’t working and the cancer had spread to his brain.

“It was very clear from the outset that Ben’s prognosis for such aggressive brain tumors was very poor.

“This was a grade 4 glioblastoma multiforme, and things were getting worse, with only 20% of patients having a brain tumor type that survived more than 5 years after diagnosis.”

Ben died at the age of 12 eight months after being diagnosed.


Julie, the mother of Ben (left) and Jack (right), describes the trial as “terrifying.” (Attachment: Brain tumor research)

Just two weeks after Jack’s funeral, Jack was diagnosed with cancer in January 2020.

“It seems wrong to say this, but I was relieved to discover that Jack had leukemia instead of a brain tumor,” Parton said.

“Jack and other leukemia patients now have hope for a cure, thanks to their investment in research.

“Ben wasn’t so lucky, he never really had a chance.”

Like Jack, Jack was receiving chemotherapy at the Birmingham Children’s Hospital.

“Jack is all in all, but some days are incredibly tough,” said Parton.

“He misses Ben so much and will give them something to stay with on the Playstation.”

Parton is running a campaign with Brain Tumor Research to increase its national investment in brain tumor research to £35 million ($45 million) annually. Around what leukemia, breast cancer, and prostate cancer suffer.

According to charities, more than 70% of patients with breast and prostate cancer live five years after diagnosis and leukemia has a five-year survival rate of more than 40%. This compares to only 12% of brain tumors.

Although £680 million ($888.88 million) has been invested in breast cancer since the country’s record of cancer spending began in 2002, brain tumors cost only £96 million ($1255.4 million) He added that he has not invested.

This is despite the fact that more children and adults under the age of 40 die of brain tumors than any other cancer.

You can sign a petition for brain tumor research to increase national investment in brain tumor research here..

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