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7 mistakes trying to reduce belly fat


Abdominal fat accumulation is not ideal for men, women, ages 30 and 50. “Muffin top” not only impairs movement and flexibility, but also visceral fat (also called abdominal fat) with metabolic syndrome, high blood pressure, heart attack, stroke, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and even cancer. Alzheimer’s disease. So losing excess abdominal fat is paramount, but it’s easier to say.

This is mainly because you can lose weight in your abdomen by a trendy diet, while lifestyle is key to this particular problem. True, genetics, age, and underlying health may play a role in accumulation, but most of the time your life way of life determines why you have belly fat. I will. Here are some of the main reasons you have abdominal fat and you probably can’t lose it quickly.

1. I like too much wrong food

Fried foods, junk, processed, sugar, cheese, rich-if that’s your food, that’s the main reason behind your visceral fat. All of these foods contain sugar, salt, trans fats, and other unhealthy compounds that are difficult to metabolize, so they are stored as fat in the abdomen. Instead your diet needs fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean protein, nuts and seeds.

2. smoking a cigarette

If you think lighting up gives you better control of your appetite and helps you lose weight, check out the following news: In almost all recent studies worldwide, heavy tobacco use is associated with increased visceral steatosis and abdominal obesity. Smoking may reduce your cravings, but it pushes all fat deposits into your belly and leads to pot berries.

3. You don’t drink enough water

Drinking enough water throughout the day is very important for metabolism. Increasing fluid intake not only burns calories, but also eliminates all toxins in the system. If you have abdominal fat and do not drink enough water, you will not lose that weight unless you change this habit.

4. Too much stress

For many, stress causes overeating-this is the biggest reason behind potberries and overall obesity. Increased stress can increase cortisol levels in the body and increase abdominal fat deposits. This increase in cortisol and abdominal fat is especially seen in women.

5. You live without movement

There is no healthy weight or fat loss without exercise. Living a fully sedentary life with minimal mobility and getting a fair amount of fat around the abdomen is simply impossible. If you are inactive, severe abdominal obesity is probably not going to resolve itself.

6. You love to drink beer and sweet drinks

Simple carbs are harmful and can lead to increased body fat-you may have heard of this basic nutritional mantra, but do you know what it means? This means that beer and high-sugar drinks (including fructose-enriched energy drinks and diet soda) are essentially just carbohydrates, which inevitably results in excess belly fat.

7. I can’t get enough sleep

Sleeping less than 5 hours a day not only leads to weight gain, but also causes lethargy, excessive appetite, and other increases in visceral fat. Untreated sleep disorders are also associated with increased abdominal fat, so get enough sleep each night and talk to your doctor if necessary.

See the following articles for more information. How to reduce belly fat and get a flat tummy..

The News18 Health article was created by, India’s first and largest resource for validated healthcare information. At myUpchar, researchers and journalists work with doctors to provide all health information.


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