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PAHO urges countries to strengthen contact tracking and data systems as regions begin to reopen-PAHO/WHO


As Covid-19 infections double, smart local measures needed to slow their spread

Washington DC, August 25, 2020 (PAHO) – COVID-19 cases have more than doubled in regions of the Americas over the past few weeks, so it is important to enhance contact tracking and data management when many countries resume operations. ..

The number of new COVID-19 infections reported in the Americas more than doubled from 5.3 million on July Over 12 million today

Dr. Carissa F. Etienne, director of the Pan-American Medical Organization, said in a press conference today that “primary health care should be at the heart of the response. We provide timely care.” .. “Local health authorities play a central role in the generation and analysis of data to align public health measures with local realities,” he said.

Dr. Etienne pointed out that the number of deaths in the area has doubled in the last six weeks, stating: “We can’t stop all infections. Please contain them before they get out of control.”

Despite the increasing number of cases, countries are gradually deregulating, resuming commerce and some preparing to return to school. “There seems to be a discontinuity between the policies being enforced and what the epidemiological curve tells us in too many places. This is not a good sign. Etienne has seen in the last six weeks. As mentioned above, he hopes that the virus will not be disinfected and will only lead to more cases.

“We have great tools today. We will contact you with data that shows where the hotspots are, tracking protocols to take public health measures that can slow the progression of infection and reduce the risk of exposure. In the future, we will have even better tools: improved testing, more effective treatments, and even vaccines. How national and local governments use old and new tools to achieve the desired impact. You have to be strategic about what you use,” she said.

Incidence of COVID-19 in adolescents

According to data across the Americas, the majority of cases are reported in people aged 20 to 59, but nearly 70% of deaths are reported in people aged 60 and older.

“This shows that young people are predominantly driving the spread of illness in our area. Many virus-affected young people become ill or need an ICU bed. It may not be, but it can be spread to other people who may be infected, which could break COVID-19 not only between countries and regions, but also of people, neighbors and communities. It’s a clear reminder that we all share a common responsibility,” added Etienne.

“If you don’t take the right steps to keep yourself safe, you’re putting others at risk,” she warned.

Signs of concern and encouragement

Dr. Etienne said he was concerned about emerging infectious diseases in the Caribbean as the country opens its borders. The islands of the Caribbean avoided a massive outbreak with a wise combination of strong political commitment and public health measures, but said: “Non-critical air travel is now restarting throughout the region, and some Spikes have been reported in the country.”

Two weeks ago, the Bahamas observed a 60% increase over the previous week, while Sint Marten, Trinidad and Tobago, and the US Virgin Islands all reported a 25% increase.

“This is caused not only by tourism, but also by citizens returning home after the lockdown. We know that a country that relies on tourism cannot remain closed forever, but as it reopens, We have to use all available resources to reduce the public risk,” she said.

Dr. Etienne said promising signs of data from some countries indicate that countries have tools to reduce the spread of COVID-19 and save lives.

“One of the most effective strategies we have is contact tracking.” It tracks all new cases and limits the spread of the virus in Dominica, Bahamas, Argentina, Guatemala and Suriname. It has been shown in work to prevent the chain of transmission by. She said.

“This gave them time to prepare the system for this moment, and they built the necessary capabilities to identify the incident and track down potentially exposed people.”

Dr. Etienne gave another example of how an appropriate strategy can bend a pandemic curve. “Recently, infections in Chile were growing rapidly in June, so national authorities examined the data and adjusted their approach. Tests were significantly expanded, cases were segregated, and the most affected areas were A home-based order has been placed in: Yes, Chile has shown that COVID-19 is losing momentum for the next six weeks, reporting fewer cases.

In Costa Rica, by placing orders at home and expanding testing and hospital capacity, infection rates were low when taking advantage of preparedness opportunities.

“There are new cases now, but their healthcare services are well addressed. These examples will eventually overcome this crisis, even in places of increasing incidence, if an evidence-based approach is taken. I’ve proved that I can,” she said.

“This virus will be with us for some time. Without a vaccine, we’ll be with us for years. This is not a battle we have won, but a few rounds of battle. So we need to apply lessons from where we control the virus and let the data guide our actions,” added Etienne.

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