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Florida is the key to releasing 750 million transgenic mosquitoes


    Florida is the key to releasing 750 million transgenic mosquitoes

The Florida Keys project has been approved for a projected release of 750 million genetically modified mosquitoes, but is not without discussion, criticism, and allegations of the “Jurassic Park Experiment.” Last week, the Florida Keys Mosquito Control District (FKMCD) Board approved Oxitec, Ltd.’s proposal to release millions of genetically modified male mosquitoes.

of Aedes aegypti Mosquitoes are invasive species found throughout the world, including the Florida Keys, and are endemic to diseases such as dengue, yellow fever, deer and chikungunya. However, it is only the female of the species that bites humans and spreads the disease. Therefore, the UK-based company Oxitec Aedes aegypti At the genetic level, it only provides live male offspring when mated with wild females. If female offspring are not able to survive, the population of insects that transmit the disease would theoretically be at least significantly reduced.

Oxitec representatives say the company has successfully completed projects in the Cayman Islands and Brazil, releasing billions of their mosquitoes over the years without risk to the environment or humans. they again Multiple studies From government agencies including EPA and CDC, It says the project is safe. However, scientific experts questioned the relevance of these studies and instead pointed out a 2019 study investigating the adverse effects of Oxitec mosquitoes in Brazil.

For 2 years, 450,000 GM male mosquitoes were released weekly in Jacobina, Brazil. When the researchers sampled the population at the end of liberation, they found no male non-biting mosquitoes as intended. Rather, they found a hybrid GM-wild mosquito.

“Obviously, the rare viable hybrid progeny between the release strain and the Jacobina population are robust enough to be able to reproduce in nature. After the release strain was developed using Cuban strains. , Outbred to a Mexican population, therefore Jacobina Aedes aegypti Currently, three groups are mixed. It is unclear how this will affect the transmission of the disease or other efforts to control these dangerous vectors. Scientific report.

That is enough to give the scientists a pause, and it seems that the public is similarly overwhelmingly unconvinced. Ah EPA Public Comment Period Many questions and concerns arose among residents of the Florida Keys and others, including:

  • Toxicity/allergenicity of artificial proteins in male mosquitoes
  • Potential for increased antibiotic resistance in the environment
  • Impact on food supply to insects, animals and humans
  • Possibility of transmission of diseases from GM mosquitoes.

Oxitec says it has addressed all concerns, but experts say it’s almost impossible.

“Ecosystems are so complex that so many species are involved that it’s almost impossible to test them all in the lab in advance,” said a mosquito-borne disease expert at Indiana University. A Max Moreno pilot project, recently I told the Associated Press.

Still, four FKMCD board members who approved the project and one opposed Aedes aegypti Many local pesticides are becoming resistant and less effective.

“All approved tools that show promise by helping to control this dangerous mosquito are worthy of maximum consideration,” said Andrea Leal, FKMCD Executive Director. ..

Photo: Adult female Aedes aegypti.. Credit: James Gathany, CDC


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