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Medical inspectors no longer need to prove COVID-19 deaths in Florida


Deaths from the new Florida coronavirus will no longer be verified by forensic pathologists investigating the cause of death.

The new decision, approved by the Health Examination Board of nine members of Florida on August 14, states that a Florida medical examiner has listed COVID-19 as a cause of death or a contributing cause of death. He no longer needs to prove.

Instead, a doctor with a valid medical license in Florida can now determine if the official cause of death for a person who has died from coronavirus is coronavirus.

The medical inspectors are, at their own discretion, allowed the claimant to take over the jurisdiction of the COVID-19 case. However, because most people who die of the virus live in nursing homes or are hospitalized for severe symptoms, small changes to the procedure can make a big difference in how deaths in coronavirus patients in Florida are recorded, reported, and investigated. It may be affected.

Quarantine officials have been required by law to investigate the deaths of people known to have the virus since the first case of a coronavirus outbreak in Florida was announced on March 1st. And was not due to a coronavirus.

However, this summer there was a surge in coronavirus testing, diagnosis, and ultimately deaths. According to a Wednesday update from the Florida Department of Health, 10,872 people have died in the last six months due to COVID-19.

The Commission’s ruling is intended to mitigate the backlog of Florida’s most devastated community, with some clinics piled up in their offices while they wait for tests. Reported a terrifying explanation for the corpse.

“The Commission upheld this allegation by overwhelming the knowledge gained about the disease over the past five months, the delay in obtaining medical records, and the growing backlog of outstanding backlogs in many districts across the state. I quoted a fair number of cases,” said the minutes of the committee.

According to the Commission’s report, the Palm Beach County Examination Department faces nearly 500 outstanding cases, while Miami Dade County Examiner-State COVID-19 Pandemic Epicenter-650 cases. Possible death from COVID-19 with more than 1 reported untreated.

“I have a squeeze point and I think most offices are above that point,” said Steven J. Nelson, chairman of the board, chief examiner for Polk, Highland and Hardy counties. Miami Herald..

No outstanding cases have been reported in the Central Florida county.

However, despite the state’s ruling, the Pinellas-Pasco Medical Examiner’s Office will continue to investigate and provide a detailed report to the State Medical Board in all cases of suspected COVID-19 death, Pinellas said. -Bill Pellan, Head of Investigation at Pasco Medical, said the Examiner’s Office.

“The reason there are health checkers is to document how people are dying, identify trends, and put things in place to prevent as many deaths as possible,” Perran said. It was. “And at this point-in the midst of a pandemic with the kids returning to school-we felt that it was not right to bow from that responsibility.”

In addition, “it’s not like teaching a medical department how to fill out a death certificate. The cause of death is a medical cause, just as three doctors can make three different diagnoses for the same patient. Expert opinion based on your knowledge and experience in practice.”

The Hillsborough County Screening Authority supports the Florida Screening Commission’s decision, the authorities said. Tampa Bay Times..

“Most COVID-19 mortality studies were done over the phone, but this process was tedious, time consuming, and involved a lot of overtime work,” the statement said. “The process change significantly reduces the additional time and amount of paperwork staff have underwritten since the beginning of the pandemic, providing families with a fast resolution of death certificates and turnarounds.”

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