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Main sleep camps prevent more than 1,000 people from receiving coronaviruses, according to a CDC report


Their experience is Federal study It shows the length needed to keep the virus away, announced Wednesday. Four camps in Maine were screened for viruses and quarantined before and after their arrival. During the camp, campers and counselors were in the same group. Face mask According to a study by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, physical distances were maintained, frequent thorough cleaning and disinfection were conducted, and activities were conducted outdoors wherever possible.

The main camp experience contrasts with the Georgia sleep camp. 260 children and staff Three-quarters of 344 tested — infected in less than a week after spending time together in the near quarter. Ah CDC survey Georgia Camp Asymptomatic infection It is common and can cause undetected infections.

Jeffrey Vergareth, the pediatrician and lead author of the main study, said the key to limiting the spread of the coronavirus and the virus-induced illness of Covid-19 in four camps was to separate 1,022 campers and staff into separate foams. Stayed in, or a cohort, all the time.

In this way, “even if there is a case, we don’t have to scramble to identify contacts.” Vergales, Associate Professor of Pediatrics at the University of Virginia, said: “Known The fact that there was no secondary spread is luck. The fact that there was no sudden outbreak is planned.”

Bargareth and other researchers said their findings would impact the successful implementation of the covid-19 mitigation strategy at other night camps, residential schools and universities. However, they and other experts acknowledge that the extensive measures taken by the camp may not be feasible in kindergarten to primary school where it is more difficult to limit student interaction with the community.

A school or college Restart In a face-to-face class, or a hybrid face-to-face learning and virtual learning approach, coronavirus cases have been reported to increase rapidly among students. Some universities Abandoned plans to hold face-to-face classes Occurring In the first week of class.

“As the school reopens, we find it very helpful to have data and case reports from the high-risk environment and where we resumed activities,” said Katelyn Rivers, an epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Center. I’m pleased.” For health security. “It seems that the combination of serial testing and limiting external contact has effectively created bubbles. I’ve seen other examples of successful bubble approaches, but this is more evidence of that. is.”

She said it was difficult to get the same results from kindergarten to high school. In an email, Rivers said students and families are still part of a larger community and “can’t effectively create bubbles.” She said physical distances, masks, handwashing, and keeping students in the same group could reduce infections and repeat testing could reduce risk. “But we can’t stop new introductions of the virus like we could camp.”

The Maine camp sessions were 44-62 days from mid-June to mid-August. The camp has not been identified for privacy reasons, Vergales said.

Campers had to quarantine with their family for 10-14 days before they arrived. Approximately 5-7 days prior to arrival, all campers and staff except a dozen were inspected for coronavirus. (Twelve participants had been diagnosed with coronavirus two months before the start of the camp and had completed quarantine before arrival.)

Four participants tested positive and were quarantined at home for 10 days before the camp began. They arrived at the camp, remained asymptomatic, and were not further tested during the period, the report said.

Upon arrival, the campers were quarantined in the group for 14 days, regardless of test results. Groups (5-44 people) were formed using a two-tiered allocation or age. Campers and staff were screened at least once daily for fever and covid-19 related symptoms.

A daily symptom check identified one staff member and 11 potential campers for signs of a camper van 19. They were immediately quarantined and tested. Members of their group were quarantined until all 12 were negative.

An additional 3 asymptomatic participants (2 staff and 1 camper) tested positive after arrival and were quarantined for 10 days and group members for 14 days. All were released from quarantine after additional testing did not return a positive result. No secondary spread was identified, the report said.

In a statement, the CDC said in a statement, the study “strengthens how powerful daily preventive actions are in reducing and maintaining COVID-19 infections.” …A combination of proven public health strategies to slow the spread of COVID-19, allowing campers and staff to enjoy traditional summer entertainment in a global pandemic. “

The campers were in their bubbles, so there was little need for a mask unless the group worked with other groups or indoors, Mr Bargares said. Staff had to wear masks while food was served.

Bargareth, who was a volunteer at two camps where his son and daughter participate, said he and the camp leaders said in March, April, and May that they literally walked through all camps for all activities at risk. Has come up with a way to minimize that.” “

Instead of serving meals to all campers at the same time, meals were staggered and each group of campers was summoned and dismissed at those times. Instead of family meals, a buffet line has been set up where counselors serve food and keep the campers away from each other.

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