Flu: Why you need to worry this winter
Health authorities are stepping up efforts to ensure that influenza vaccines are available to all who need them.
To date, the UK’s largest influenza vaccination program has provided 30 million vaccines in the UK.
The idea is to prepare for the winter when you can see the annual flu season coincide with the coronavirus surge.
But how does it work? And will things get worse this year?
How bad is the flu?
Influenza-or Influenza-is a very common and highly infectious disease caused by viruses.
This can be dangerous-especially for the elderly, very young children, and people with underlying illnesses.
The estimated death toll in England during the flu season over the last five years has exceeded 11,000.
This ranges from nearly 4,000 deaths in the 2018-19 season to over 22,000 2017-18.
The problem is that certain groups of people, such as the elderly, pregnant women, and people with long-term conditions, are at increased risk of serious illness from both coronaviruses and influenza.
And while many healthy people can fight off the flu, sometimes things are more complicated.
The most common complication is bacterial chest infection, which can lead to pneumonia.
Other life-threatening complications include meningitis and septic shock.
How bad is the flu and coronavirus together?
There is some evidence that dual coronavirus and influenza infections are more deadly than either.
However, some believe that being infected with one virus can help prevent another virus from sickening someone at the same time.
What is clear is that the season of great flu combined with the coronavirus can overwhelm hospitals
For example, if many NHS and nursing home staff are affected by the flu, they may not be as responsive to Covid-19 as they were during peak spring.
But in theory, social distances, masks, and other hygiene measures in place to stop the coronavirus should also affect the amount of flu that is endemic.
How do you know if you have influenza or coronavirus?
Both influenza and coronavirus can cause fever, cough, tiredness, muscle aches, and headaches.
Some people (mostly children) have other symptoms such as diarrhea and vomiting.
Some of these symptoms are also seen when people have other common winter viruses.
And both influenza and coronaviruses can spread before people show any symptoms or by people who show no symptoms at all.
This can be difficult this winter.
And that’s why the influenza vaccine is more widely available, with more coronavirus testing and tracking facilities.
Who will be offered the influenza vaccine?
In England, we offer the following free of charge:
- People requested to Shield from coronavirus -And who they live in
- People with Some medical conditions, Including diabetes, heart failure, asthma
- Pregnant woman
- Preschoolers over 2 years old
- As with last year, all elementary school students, and for the first time, 7th grade
- Initially all people over 65 before the program was expanded to over 50
- Healthcare and social care staff
Health authorities in Scotland, Northern Ireland and Wales plan to expand vaccination programs to cover similar groups.
The NHS wants the highest-risk patients to be at the top of the queue at the beginning of the September vaccination program.
The goal is to provide jabs to people between the ages of 50 and 64 in the second half of November or December if they have sufficient supplies.
Authorities also say increasing vaccination levels is essential among people in the most deprived areas, and for people in ethnic minorities at high risk for both Covid-19 and influenza.
The vaccine will also be made available privately to pharmacies and some supermarkets for adults not covered by the NHS Jab.
Usually about 20 pounds.
Will it be harder to get a vaccine this year?
Doctors and nurses are required to take new steps to ensure that the vaccine can be safely administered during a pandemic.
This includes careful appointment times to minimize latency.
Additional staff can help.
Some GP surgeries may ask you to use your car as a waiting room.
Others consider drive-through clinics.
There is a suggestion that nurses can visit at home for the most vulnerable.
Also, some pregnant women may be offered a jab during their prenatal schedule.
Meanwhile, those who are quarantine because they or someone they have contacted with have coronaviruses, are asked to postpone their vaccination until they are better.
Do you have enough supplies?
The Department of Health and Human Services says there is an additional national supply of adult vaccines to ensure demand does not exceed supply.
Is it the right vaccine?
Every year, the World Health Organization studies the strains of influenza that are out there and recommends vaccines for the next season.
This is only a prediction as the vaccine has to be created in advance. In many countries, it’s often six months before the virus begins to spread.
Experts say that this is not always 100% accurate, but it is better not to vaccinate certain strains of influenza at all, especially during pandemics.
What should I know about the coronavirus?
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