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Research shows artificial pancreas allows a 6-year-old child with type 1 diabetes to better control blood sugar levels


The researchers investigated 101 children from four to 13 years of age in a randomized clinical trial in a randomized clinical trial, using a new artificial pancreas system to test groups and standard continuous glucose monitoring ( CGM) device was compared to a control group using another insulin pump.

The artificial pancreas system automatically monitors and adjusts blood glucose levels. Although not implanted in the patient, a computer is used to link the glucose monitor and insulin pump.

Studies found that people using artificial pancreas improved their blood glucose levels by 7% to stay within target ranges during the day, and 26% at night compared to controls.

“For people with type 1 diabetes, managing nighttime blood glucose levels is very important because severe, unchecked hypoglycemia can cause seizures, coma, or even death,” the researchers write. ing.

Quick understanding of diabetes

“The glycemic control improvements in this study were impressive, and parents and carers knew their children were safer, especially during the night hours, so they could sleep better at night.” A pediatric diabetic at University Aurora said in a statement.

“Artificial pancreas technology can reduce the number of times a child and his or her family have to stop everything to take care of diabetes. Instead, they can focus on being a child.” He said.

Research found that artificial pancreas resulted in an overall improvement of about 11% by keeping blood glucose within the range and was provided an extra 3 hours a day compared to continuous glucose monitoring and insulin pumps Did.

An artificial pancreas or “closed loop control” is described as an “all-in-one” diabetes management system that uses CGM to track blood glucose levels and automatically deliver insulin pumps when needed. National Diabetes Institute and Gastroenterology and Kidney Disease (NIDDK), part of the National Institutes of Health that funded research.

According to NIDDK, this system replaces fingerstick tests, CGM and insulin injections, or controlled pumps several times a day.

“Less than one in five children with type 1 diabetes has been successful in maintaining blood sugar levels in the healthy range with current treatments, with serious consequences for long-term health and quality of life. It could bring it,” said Dr. Guillermore Aaza. Rubin, head of NIDDK’s Diabetes Technology Program, is a research project scientist.

Previous studies have shown that the artificial pancreas system is safe in people over the age of 14, said Areaza-Rubin.

The study recorded 16 “adverse events” in the artificial pancreas group during the study, most of which were related to problems with the insulin pump device, and 3 “events” in the control group. Says. There were no examples of severe hypoglycemia, or hypoglycemia, or diabetic ketoacidosis, very high blood sugar, and dangerous ketone accumulation.


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