Scientists discover component of insect repellent that can kill coronavirus
Key Point
- British military scientists use repellents including citriodor
- They found that the repellent effectively killed a previously known coronavirus
- They use it as additional protection on wearing face masks
Some insect repellent components can kill coronavirus strains and may provide a weak layer of protection against the virus.
A study conducted by British military scientists, citriodiol, a type of oil extracted from the leaves of eucalyptus trees, has shown its ability to kill coronavirus strains. The new coronavirus, which causes the deadly COVID-19, killed more than 820,000 people and infected more than millions worldwide. With new discoveries about citriodiol, scientists at the British Defense Science and Technology Institute (DSTL) hope it can help in the global battle against coronaviruses.
DSTL scientists said that Citriodiol Additional protective layer Against coronavirus infection. Researchers tested Mosi-guard, which lists citriol, a plant-derived mosquito repellent ingredient, to see if it maintains its effect on viruses and the same level of effect when applied to latex products. I have confirmed that.
“This paper presents preliminary findings on the efficacy of citriodiol against Covid-19.” DTSL scientists announce Wednesday.
Many insect repellent brands such as Ben’s Natural and Incognito use citriol as an active ingredient. A component extracted from the twigs and leaves of the eucalyptus citriodora tree, it is highly effective against various pests, biting insects and ticks.
After proving to be effective in protecting against known coronaviruses such as those that caused SARS and MERS-CoV, the British military first tested the effectiveness of repellents after military installations issued products to soldiers. did. At the moment, the world has not yet learned about SARS-CoV-2. When the new coronavirus pandemic struck, scientists around the world enthusiastically discovered a cure or vaccine for COVID-19, a disease caused by the new coronavirus infection. In the UK, hundreds of volunteers lined up Experimental COVID-19 vaccine..
Meanwhile, military researchers, in addition to wearing face masks and observing proper hygiene, conducted a study to see if British army repellents, including citriol, could be used as additional protection. It was.
Citrefine International, a company that processes eucalyptus twigs and leaves to extract citriodiol during the April outbreak, said the product could be a potential weapon against the new coronavirus. I told Sky News. “We think it’s very likely that we’ll be able to counter this virus, but of course we need to test it thoroughly,” said Jaclyn Watson, Managing Director. Interview with Sky News..
Citriodiol has shown its potential, but British military scientists say that this does not mean that the public should use the product as their primary defense against viruses. Researchers have found that insect sprays by themselves do not provide sufficient protection, but instead provide additional safety precautions along with hand washing, face covering, and other health and safety measures intended to prevent the spread of coronaviruses. It is used by the military.
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