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According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the coronavirus outbreak associated with wedding receptions has infected at least 87 people in Maine.

Robert F Bucuti / AP

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Robert F Bucuti / AP

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the coronavirus outbreak associated with wedding receptions has infected at least 87 people in Maine.

Robert F Bucuti / AP

The number of coronaviruses caused by wedding receptions in Maine earlier this month continues to increase. Health officials say incidents related to this case have spread to rehabilitation centers and prisons.

At least 87 cases of coronavirus were associated with an outbreak from a wedding on August 7 in a church in Millinocket and a reception at the Big Mousse Inn, said Nilav Shah, director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Maine. The doctor said.

“What I’m worried about in this situation is the fact that the number of individuals affected by that default was higher than we expected,” he said during a virtual press briefing. “It suggests that there was already a community epidemic in Penobscot County by the participants, and when they gathered, it was like a powdered keg that sparked and generated an unexpected number of cases. was.”

The current risk, according to Shah, is that the outbreak could be a “spiral,” with 87 cases continuing to grow. State data show So far, 4,436 cases of coronavirus and 132 deaths have been recorded in Maine.

The outbreak affected people attending wedding events, including 9 cases at the Maple Crestle Rehabilitation & Living Center in Madison and 18 cases related to the York County Prison Facility, Shah said. .. Someone attending the wedding, at least one died after signing COVID-19 at Millinocket Regional Hospital Said in a statement..

“We’ve identified epidemiological associations between and among all these cases, so they constitute a single outbreak,” Shah said.

Of the 65 people who attended the wedding, 30 had contracted for COVID-19, Shah said. They infected 35 other people, who in turn infected 22 more. Out of a total of 87 infected, 59 showed symptoms.

The state suspended its business license for Big Moose Inn on Wednesday, said Jeanne Lambrew, director of the Maine Department of Health and Human Services. According to the inn license revived on Friday Local Media Report..

Rambrew said state officials initially issued quotes of health hazards in the state’s rally above the 50-person limit to host a wedding reception.

Officials said the health inspector had come to a halt as a follow-up visit to the inn found additional public health breaches. The dining room tables were placed indoors within 6 feet of each other and employees were not wearing face coverings.

“We work with the Big Moose Inn to make them compliant, because all public health emergency enforcement tools are about prevention, not punishment,” Lambrew said.

Shah urged residents and businesses in Maine to comply with indoor and outdoor gathering restrictions to prevent the spread of the virus. He said the duration and density of the event are two factors driving the potential for outbreaks.

“What we saw here was events, weddings, and receptions, that is, long-term events with a significant number of individuals over the allowed 50,” he said. “The combination of these two factors shows the likelihood of it occurring again and again, not only in Maine but around the world.”

The virus prevalence rate in Maine averaged less than 1% over seven days, Shah said. State test volumes have also increased by 53% over the last 30 days, with 44% of that increase occurring over the last 7 days.

Shah emphasized the importance of testing in tracking viruses. in spite of New guidance Shah said the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention will continue to screen asymptomatic patients who may have been infected with the virus.

“Our view is, don’t stop the plows in the middle of the storm, you keep plowing,” he said. “Or continue testing with this setting.”

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