A 94-year-old man from Massachusetts survived COVID. His father survived the 1918 flu.
Brockton, Massachusetts — Like Fathers, Francis Cassin You can call yourself a pandemic survivor.
At the age of 94, Survival was a feat of Cashin, who was infected with a coronavirus while assisting living facilities while receiving hospice care in Longwood, Florida. But despite the dark outlook, and despite several fatal cases before, Cashin succeeded, said Francis Cashin’s son Mike Cashin.
The survival of global pandemic Cascin, who claims Johns Hopkins University has killed more than 181,000 victims in the United States alone, was a century after his father John Cassin faced his own pandemic. is. John Cassin lived in Brockton at about the age of 30, killing his first wife and three children during the 1918 flu pandemic.
“What are the odds?” said Mike Cassin.
However, John Cassin survived and later met his second wife, Nina, and the couple had three children, including Francis.
Francis Cassin was born in Brockton in 1926 and grew up on North Montero Street. On North Montero Street, it was called “Fran” or “Frannie” throughout the city. After graduating from Brockton High School, Francis Cassin joined the Navy and worked for two years towards the end of World War II. He then went to college in Miami on the GI bill, joined the FBI after graduation, and worked primarily in New York and Washington DC.
Francis Cassin hadn’t lived in Brockton again, but he often visited family members returning home, and Mike Cassin said the family spends a lot of time at the Ash Street playground.
“We always spent time visiting, because it was his home,” said Mike Cassin. “…He’s been away from it for a long time, but he’s there. He was always Brocktoninan.”
And it developed in Brockton the resolute attitude that he carried him throughout his life, Mike Cassin said.
“He is a very willing person,” said Mike Cassin. “I never lived in Brockton. I was born in New York and raised in Washington DC, but I have always associated Brockton with that attitude.”
According to Mike Cassin, Francis Cassin was positive for coronavirus after about 3 days on 29th and about 12 hours a day for three carers who sat beside him were positive.
His father found that Francis Cassin’s oxygen levels dropped while he didn’t have to go to the ventilator, as other patients had to do because their condition went down, There was a dangerous blood pressure level.
“He slept for a few days and he was very very weak,” said Mike Cassin. “He had very little energy.”
Mike Cassin, especially for the years when he read the hospice, two strokes, and the last ritual at least twice, after a family thought that Francis Cassin remained on his last leg He said it made a tough impression. They tried to call a nearby church to perform the final ritual, but they didn’t go to the facility because of the risk of the virus, Mike Cassin said.
However, despite the odds, Francis Cassin has managed to succeed as ever.
“I think he knows a little about him. He was taking a break (for a break) to gradually remove oxygen himself, breathing room air, even changing his attitude,” Mike said. Cassin said. “He had a “go to Jesus” attitude and sparked a new life within him. “
“Last week we were laughing. He had severe dementia, but he wanted to let go of hell from it, so I asked if I could rent my car.”
When he visited before the pandemic’s limited visitors, Mike Cassin said it was his ritual to bring a chocolate milkshake to his father.
“When he is healthy, when visitors are allowed, when I visit him, I never show up without a milkshake,” he said. “Life is great. He lives for milkshakes, chocolates, and his cookies.”
Mike Cassin said that when Francis Cassin was working as an FBI agent, he had a very strict weight limit and was forced to eat a healthier diet. But in his later years his father has treated himself.
“It’s funny that he’s only eating milkshakes and candy bars right now,” he said. “It’s not the institution’s fault. They try to give him delicious food, but he seems to want only a chocolate bar and a milkshake. He spent his entire life doing nothing, but now that he is old Is compensated for.”
According to Mike Kashin, they knew he would be okay when his sweet tooth returned after a positive COVID-19 test.
“He had a very tough two days…we were very, very worried, and once he knew he started drinking milkshakes and eating candy bars, he went to recovery. He was very happy because he knew he was on the road.” “And we’re not surprised.”
And on August 4, Francis Cashin celebrated his 94th birthday, about a week after he was initially positive for coronavirus.
“He has lived this life and many other families are suffering,” said Mike Cassin. “These people die, and for it to happen, I understand that it’s happening to thousands of people, I wanted him to never happen. Couldn’t So hopefully we can overcome this problem and return to our normal routine.”
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