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Robert Kinderman’s second chance after a successful cheer trial from the Hart Foundation


Robert Kinderman is resurrected from death. His story became a national headline in 2016, when the first responder performed an astonishing 73-minute CPR after Mr. Kinderman suffered long-term cardiac arrest at the age of just 59. “Every day is a miracle,” Kinderman reunited with an interventional cardiologist Dr. Dion Stubb in Melbourne this week, whose breakthrough treatment saved his life.

The four years since his clinical death have been devoted to living a life of gratitude. He and his wife Esther traveled with great faith to Israel and visited their European son Ezra.

Kinderman suffocated when asked how he felt exiting the hospital door after eight weeks of stretching, including a week of induced coma. His family didn’t know who or what would remain when he opened his eyes. Mrs. Kinderman said her husband still had emotional thoughts about it.

“They told me (Ezra and I) that the chance of survival was less than 1%… The nurse told me that night, “He’s the most sick person here.” Then how to completely recover? It’s a miracle, it’s a miracle, it’s a miracle, and we’re so grateful,” she said.

The revival of patients previously considered “non-viable” began in 2012 with Dr. Stab’s CHEER trial (CPR, hypothermia, ECMO and early reperfusion). The Australian first produced unprecedented success, and his study continues to push the boundaries of what can be achieved in patient survival and functional recovery.

“Some of my PhDs were looking into patients with refractory cardiac arrest and were unable to reopen their hearts. Instead of essentially giving up, we… took them to Alfred Hospital. I placed it in a portable cardiopulmonary device called ECMO,” said Dr. Stub.

After an astonishing 70 to 80 minutes of cardiac arrest, patients including Mr. Kinderman had a complete recovery. The CHEER technique is currently used in hospitals in Australia and around the world.

Dr. Stab said he “is incredibly indebted” to organizations such as The Hart Foundation, which supports his pioneering projects in ambulances and ICU protocols.

“Heart disease, heart attack, and cardiac arrest are still the largest murderers in Australia by nature. Despite the huge benefits we have gained from reducing incidence and improving outcomes, it remains It’s a heavy burden, and my research is impossible without the support of the Heart Foundation,” he said.

Kinderman kept in touch with Dr. Stab and now considers him a member of the family.

“We are really grateful to God every day. Thank God and his wonderful angels, nurses, doctors, ICU staff, ambulances, and everyone who has made every effort,” Kinderman said. Said his wife.

Her husband’s incomprehensible sense of humor survived the deep trauma of his body intact and greatly delighted his clinician, family, and many friends.

“I thank God every time I move, think, and do everything, it’s a miracle,” Kinderman said. “Is this how I became as famous as Brad Pitt?”


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