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Prevent “toilet illness” by flushing before sex and then urinating — Expert – Punch Newspaper


Professor Linus Okeke, a consultant urologist at University College Hospital in Ibadan, discusses the causes, diagnosis, and precautions of urinary tract infections in this interview with TOBI AWORINDE.

what What is a UTI?

The urinary tract is a passage through which waste products filtered by urine are discharged to the outside. This tract includes the kidneys, ureter, bladder, and urethra. When a microorganism, such as a bacterium, invades any or all of these tubes, it is called a urinary tract infection, commonly known as “toilet disease.”

What Causes UTIs?

The urinary tract should be free of all pathogens, but when a microorganism enters the urinary tract, it causes a urinary tract infection. These organisms are primarily bacteria, but other organisms such as viruses, fungi, and parasites can also cause this infection.

What are other factors that increase the risk of urinary tract infections?

Age is the main determinant. Extreme age is more predisposed. A woman’s gender can be due to several reasons, such as short urethra, proximity of the canal to the anus and vagina, pregnancy, sexual and behavioral practices (such as wiping from back to back). UTI is more likely to occur Defecation between women. Other factors that increase the incidence of UTI include intercourse, especially with new or multiple sexual partners. Structural abnormalities of the urinary tract (congenital or acquired), previous infections of the urinary tract, especially poor hygiene of children during toilet training; coexisting immunosuppressive infections such as diabetes, HIV; urinary tracts such as urinary catheters The presence of foreign matter inside. Alcohol and caffeine intake have also been linked to other factors.

What are the signs of a UTI?

Signs include a sudden strong desire to urinate, pain or a burning sensation when urinating, frequent urination, usually small amounts. Lower abdominal cramps or pain, cloudy or bloody urine, malodorous urine, back pain, fever and/or chills, nausea or vomiting. In children who may have difficulty communicating, frustration, crying when urinating, new day and night wetness in previously dry children, and any of the above symptoms should be pointers to the UTI .. Older people may exhibit strange expressions such as hallucinations, restlessness, social withdrawal, upset, and confusion.

How do you diagnose UTI?

If you observe any of the above symptoms, consult your doctor. The doctor will perform the necessary research and evaluation to confirm the disease. List of some studies include urinalysis, culture and sensitivity of urine microscopy, abdominal pelvic ultrasonography, urethral cystoscopy, retrograde urethrography, urethrocystorography, venous renal pelvis, urodynamics Is included and may be required in each case.

How is UTI treated?

Most urinary tract infections are treated with antibiotics. These drugs work by killing the bacteria that cause the infection. The duration of treatment depends on the affected tube and the nature of the bacteria. In more severe cases, patients are hospitalized for treatment.

What is a recurrent infection?

Getting a UTI is inconvenient. Repeating UTI over and over is the worst thing. Not only does it cause frequent visits to the toilet, but it also causes literal urination. Experts consider recurrent UTIs to be two episodes of UTI that occur within 6 months, or three episodes within a year.

How can I prevent UTI?

Drink plenty of fluids to rehydrate and empty your bladder when you are full. This is the simplest way to prevent infection by washing away bacteria that try to climb the urinary tract and preventing them from establishing an infectious process. Women are advised to wipe from front to back, especially after bowel movements. This prevents the transfer of anal bacteria to the urinary tract. Women should also be flushed before sex and voided after intercourse. This also pushes out bacteria that have entered the urinary tract. Some practices, such as irrigation, deodorant sprays, spermicides, diaphragms, and the use of scented powders, are potential irritants that actually predispose to increasing infection. The use of estrogen cream may be recommended for older women. Foreign bodies such as urethral catheters should be used for a short period of time and do not overemphasize the hygiene of the catheter.

Is it true that cranberry juice can prevent UTI?

Cranberry juice is not recommended as a treatment option for children.

In adults, several studies have shown that a glass of cranberry juice reduces daily UTI in patients at risk for UTI and recurrent UTI. It has been suggested that cranberries contain compounds that can prevent certain bacteria from attaching to the walls of the urinary tract. However, there is still uncertainty about the effectiveness of cranberries as some of these studies are not of high quality and some results are inconsistent. In 2020, the US Food and Drug Administration said there was “limited” evidence that daily consumption of certain amounts of cranberry dietary supplements could reduce the risk of recurrent UTI in healthy women. A person with a UTI has announced that the manufacturer will allow product labels to be requested.

Drinking water is believed to provide relief from UTI. Is this true?

Drinking water and hydration is not a cure, but it is considered as useful as good hygiene.

How many Nigerians have urinary tract infections in any given time period?

About 150 million people worldwide are affected with UTI each year, accounting for 3 to 5 million outpatient visits each year.

Many factors underestimate UTIs in developing countries. But in Nigeria, two to four in ten have UTI, and in places like Abuja, four in ten men and eight in eight women out of 15 to 30 years of age prevalence. Can be seen. Prevalence varies not only by gender and location, but there are some changes between different age groups. It’s important to know that only about half of patients present with symptoms, and about 6 out of every 10 symptomatic patients get infected from the hospital.

Are there any unique factors that contribute to these statistics?

Children younger than 3 years have an increased risk of UTI in men, primarily due to the presence of congenital structural abnormalities. Even among men, practices such as male circumcision are associated with a lower risk of infection.

3 years and older — prepubertal age — 3 in 100 women and 1 in 100 men have UTI. The high incidence among these women is due to the proximity of the urethral meatus to the anal mouth. This prevalence is exacerbated by poor hygiene.

Throughout sexual activity/reproductive age (15-54 years), women are at increased risk of UTI, which accounts for about 7 out of 10 causes of bladder infections due to sexual activity and habits.

During the postmenopausal period, low estrogens make women more susceptible to UTI. However, because of age-related male prostate lesions, males of similar age have a higher prevalence and affect urine flow.

Does UTI cause kidney damage?

Yes, but usually not. Although most UTIs are treated successfully, pyelonephritis can cause some renal damage if anatomical or structural predisposition (urethral structure, obstruction of urinary flow, renal stones, etc.) cannot be quickly addressed. There is. In addition, cases of improper treatment of overwhelming sepsis, especially in children, can lead to renal damage and hypertension in the future.

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