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LA County reports 1,339 new cases of coronavirus and 27 deaths


Public health officials in Los Angeles County reported 27 deaths associated with 1,339 new cases of coronavirus on Saturday, but hospitalization continued to decline.

Little boy in a hat and sunglasses: The zoo member Melanie Olmeda and son Mayson Tierres (6 years old) returned from Chino by car as the Los Angeles Zoo reopens on Wednesday.  (Myeong J. Chun/Los Angeles Times)

© (Myung J. Chun / Los Angeles Times)
Zoo member Melanie Olmeda and son Mayson Tierres, 6 years old, drove from Chino on Wednesday to reopen the Los Angeles Zoo. (Myeong J. Chun/Los Angeles Times)

County has just recorded A total of 239,828 viruses and 5,763 related deaths..

As of Friday, the county hospital had 1,089 confirmed cases of coronavirus, with 32% receiving intensive care. Officials said hospitalization had fallen about 50% since mid-July when it reached 2,200.

Still, the county will have to slow its transmission rates significantly in order for more businesses to resume and resume operations. Friday, Governor Gavin Newtham Announcing a new 4-layer system As such, counties need to show consistent success in stopping coronavirus infections before allowing companies more flexibility to resume.

With Los Angeles Most other counties in Southern California Classified into Tier 1, the most restrictive category. This means that viral infections are widespread and the least important business needs to be closed. To move to the less restrictive tier, counties must have no more than 7 new cases per 100,000 people per day and no more than 8% of test positives. The county must meet these criteria for two consecutive weeks before proceeding.

According to the state, LA County reported an average of 12.7 cases per 100,000 inhabitants and a test positive rate of 5% per 100,000 inhabitants in the week leading up to August 18.

In a statement, Barbara Ferrer, county health director, said, “We need to reduce the infection rate to seven new cases per day per 100,000 to demonstrate a reduction in viral spread and a move to Tier 2. There is.”

“The evidence after 7 months of a pandemic is very clear. To see a small number of cases, everyone needs to work together to ensure that they don’t infect each other. Wear wraps and avoid gatherings and crowded spaces. We have been tested for illness or exposure, and all workplaces follow sensible public health directives.”

With the announcement of the new four-tier system, the state revised its list of permitted activities in counties classified as Tier 1 to include indoor services at barber shops, hairdressers, and shopping malls. However, it has not yet been permitted to resume these operations at the order of the LA County Local Health Officer.

Public health officials at Orange County said hair salons and barbers could reopen on Monday.

The county, also located in Tier 1 of the state’s new system, reported 19 new deaths on Saturday with 408 new infections, A total of 48,190 cases and 975 deaths..

According to the state, in the week leading up to August 18, Orange County recorded an average of 6 new cases per 100,000 people per day and a positive rate of 5.2%.

Last Sunday, county Removed from State Coronavirus Watch ListPreviously, we had decided where we could resume our business. But when Newsom announced the new system, the county was still on the list for two weeks, as it was still required for additional resumption.

Authorities are now deciding how long the state’s new benchmarks must meet before Orange County can move to Tier 2 and resume more activities, including face-to-face instruction in schools. I’m trying

“We were in the process of resuming the previous 14-day cycle, so we had some counties, including # OC, so we asked the state re: school for additional explanation,” said OC Health Care Agency. Tweeted Saturday. “The states have shown that we get credit for those days. More to come.”

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