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Deliver live music with the violence of the coronavirus at a drive-in concert in Indonesia


Jakarta (Reuters)-At night in the Indonesian capital, the pop ensemble Kahitona ran into a drive-in concert for nearly two hours, attracting enthusiastic listeners to the row of hundreds of parked cars.

While a coronavirus infection (COVID-19) occurred in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 29, 2020, we will watch a drive-in concert by local pop band Kahitona at the parking lot at the Jakarta International Expo. / Ajeng Dinar Ulfiana

The eight performers take advantage of the nostalgia of regular customers during the heyday of the 1990s, and when the band announces the hit song “Cerita Cinta” or “Love Story”, the listeners ring and blink the lights, making them longing sentimental. I played a song.

One of the concert’s organizers, Chairin Xia, said it reminded them of a good time before the coronavirus outbreak disrupted the music industry.

“Our economy has fallen for four to five months. We aren’t working at all and aren’t making any money,” Syah told Reuters.

“I hope this concert can provide solutions and inspiration to the entertainment industry.”

Indonesia, working on a surge in viral infections, recorded the largest daily increase in cases for three consecutive days on Saturday. Southeast Asian countries count approximately 170,000 infections and 7,261 deaths.

Saturday event organizers said they prioritized safety, provided listeners with negative test results, and demanded that they wear masks.

The concert, which was followed by another concert on Sunday, drew about 900 spectators in 300 cars, all of which had to stay in the car.

Each car tuned to the FM radio channel and listened to the concert. Upon arrival, each was sprayed with a disinfectant, and a carbon dioxide detector arrived, warning the occupants to open windows if the dangerous gas levels became too high.

“This concert is an extraordinary initiative,” said a 45-year-old listener who only named Emilia.

“This is really good, especially when you don’t know when the pandemic will end.”

Jakarta, with 10 million cities, has recently recorded the largest daily increase in infections in the Indonesian region, keeping public transportation and business restrained, but this week the Governor announced that the cinema would soon reopen. did.

Adib Hidayat, who tracks the music trends in the Indonesian industry, said musicians and their crew were forced to adapt because of the bad effects of the virus.

“If the (drive-in) concept could have a strict protocol and strict discipline from the audience, that could be one of the new breakthroughs,” he told Reuters.

Additional report by Stanley Widiant. Editing by Clarence Fernandez


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