Trust the immune system, not the vaccine | Opinions
“Flatn’s curve” “Slows down spreads.” Of course, these messages were originally intended to prevent the intensive care unit from being overrun by critically ill patients. Once you have achieved this, you should now consider what your long-term expectations should be.
If we did a few things, COVID-19 ultimately meant just “going away.”
truth? COVID-19 will never “disappear.”
No, finally the immune system must encounter COVID-19 and demonstrate its value.
One of the following will occur:
1. Mild or no symptoms at all. Your immune system ensures that you will never get this version of it, or
2. You eagerly await the vaccine so that someone can inject it into your body.
About vaccines: They are most often made by killing or weakening some of the viral cells. Then called the antigen. These are injected into your body, where your immune system attacks and remembers them. Then, when a live virus is encountered, the immune system remembers those cells and destroys them.
(Remember while waiting for the vaccine: Vaccines usually take up to 10 years to develop. 94% fail during development. This process is flawed, but smallpox, polio, and to some extent It led to effective control of tetanus. No vaccine yet developed for HIV).
3. Or, you may catch the virus and suffer for about two weeks, with a 99% chance of recovering without being hospitalized. When hospitalized, the odds of dying from COVID-19 are about the same as mortality from a shark attack in the US ocean.
These elderly and other pre-existing conditions carry a much higher risk. According to a recent report, some racial minority groups die at a much higher rate than whites, indicating a mysterious racial-based component of COVID-19.
In all these cases, the government will not save you. Your immune system must either save you or fail.
You can take a shower with hand sanitizer, bubble wrap your family, wear protective clothing, and hide in the bathroom. But ultimately, the immune system needs to face COVID-19. There are no other options. Dr Anthony Fauci and Deborah Birx, and New Jersey Director of Public Health Yannai Kranzler all agree on this point. Even the renowned Dr. Mehmet Oz on TV has published a similar explanation of what the immune system must do to fight disease.
These factors are different for each year, as the influenza mutates, and therefore works with the annual influenza vaccine.
Rachael Rettner writes in Live Science that a previous common cold virus attack could train the immune system to recognize the COVID-19 virus, according to a study published in Science magazine on August 4th. ..
Co-leader of research, Daniella Weyskoff, said: “The “memory” of existing human immune cells is able to recognize the exact molecular structure of the method COVID-19 uses to enter human cells. “This and other studies show that over 50% of people who have never been exposed to COVID-19 already have an immune system that recognizes the disease.”
This immunity was found in the Netherlands, Germany, Singapore and the United Kingdom. Scientists postulate that immunity is due to previous seizures with other coronaviruses, especially those that cause many common colds.
Researchers analyzed blood samples from 2015 to 2018 long before SARS-COV-2 (known as COVID-19) emerged. Researchers have found that sample “T” cells respond to similar sites in four different common cold coronaviruses.
“This study provides strong direct molecular evidence that memory “T” cells can recognize highly similar sequences between the common cold coronavirus and (COVID-19),” another. The co-author said.
New research suggests that “T” cells that target key spike proteins also target other viral proteins. The use of this factor may enhance vaccines.
So after half a year ridiculing and frightening everyone, COVID-19 seems to be less serious than initially thought. Despite the hysteria and political status of the media, otherwise healthy people will not suddenly die of COVID-19. The Chinese virus is much more common than the annual influenza flu.
There is no science to suggest that this particular virus can overwhelm each human immune system.
Approximately 43 percent of Americans dare to kill the flu by not being vaccinated against it each year (this is a daily mandate, killing about 36,000 people). A recent Gallup poll showed that about 35% of those surveyed could not get the vaccine even if it was free. Many people are very suspicious of vaccines developed in a hurry. Please read again how to make a vaccine and then allow injecting a new, easily tested vaccine for the Chinese virus into your body.
Many media continue to carry out terrorist campaigns and are constantly reporting the pandemic as worsening, rather than the more hopeful truth that the majority of positives recover without being hospitalized. The hype irresponsibly creates a live, irrational fear environment.
The mask only protects the wearer from infecting others, but Governor Jay Insley of Washington has ordered the mask to be worn even when alone outdoors. Observed examples are a lonely masked woman walking outside, or a carefully masked unaccompanied driver. They achieved it simply by showing that they would follow the instructions. If Inslee then stupidly orders the wearing of aluminum foil caps to protect public health, will they comply?
I have previously said that there are medical reasons to not wear a mask. Some letter writers madly suggested that I wear it anyway. With their trendy virtue signals, they wear masks to show that they apparently care about the health of everyone except me.
The rare exception to media hysteria was the TV station KHQ’s COVID Facts. It provides one of the few honest assessments of COVID-19 statistics found on every media.
In most cases you already have COVID-19. If you can get the infection without symptoms, you may have infected another person and repeated the action. This is how the herd’s immunity occurs. Welcome to the flock.
Rogers of Clarkston is a retired manager of CCI-Speer (now Vista Outdoor). His email address is [email protected]..
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