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WHO has declared that Africa has no wild polio, but the disease is still a threat


  • Africa recently recognized as a polio-free wildlife
  • But vaccine-derived polio remains a threat in 16 countries
  • Massive global advances have been made to eradicate childhood diseases, but a pandemic could put them back

Polio feels like a disease of another era-yes for developed countries.

But last week, African Regional Certification Commission for Polio Eradication (ARCC) Africa has declared it free of wild poliovirus.

The declaration came after a decade-long process of committees documenting and analyzing cases of polio across 47 member states of the region. The last polio case was detected in Nigeria in 2016. Africa had to be Polyoffrey for four years in order to qualify for Polyoffrey.

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The battle continued for over 20 years

Polio is a viral disease transmitted through contaminated water and food, and without treatment, prevention was the only way to combat it.

The commitment to eradicate African polio was made by the African Government at the 32nd Ordinary General Assembly of the Organization for African Unity in 1996 in Yaoundé, Cameroon. ARCC was established by the World Health Organization (WHO) in 1998 by 16 member states and oversees the “free” certification process.

At that time, 75,000 children a year were affected by debilitating illness.

South African President Nelson Mandela was also involved in launching this initiative, launching a campaign to kick polio out Africa, and engaging other African leaders in their hat removal.

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“Historical achievements”

“This is an important milestone for Africa.” Dr. Matshidiso Moeti, WHO Head of Africa, said:

“This historic achievement was only possible thanks to the leadership and commitment of governments, communities, global polio eradication partners and philanthropists. I lost some lives to this noble cause. Special homage to frontline health care workers and vaccinated people.”

Polio is still a problem

However, Moeti warned that he would be lazy about the disease, needed to maintain vaccination, and vaccine-derived polio remained a threat and could affect unvaccinated children with wild-type poliovirus. Is a weakened version of.

Only one case of polio is considered an outbreak, and the team is quickly mobilized to contain it.

In this region, circulation of vaccine-derived poliovirus type 2 (cVDPV2) is again seen in 16 countries, especially in West and Central Africa, the Horn of Africa and Zambia to the south.

Covid-19 pandemics can also have serious implications for vaccination. As resources have been diverted to fight, many programs and interventions have fallen off the road. Coronavirus..

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Hope for the future

The gains made to wild polio convince WHO officials that the continent can put CVDPV2 under control and contribute to the fight against the coronavirus that is causing chaos worldwide. I am.

“The expertise gained from eradicating polio helps tackle Covid-19 and other health issues that have plagued the continent for many years in the African region, ultimately transforming the continent into universal health insurance. This will be a real legacy of polio eradication in Africa,” added Moeti.

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