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Cats show way to potential remedy for COVID-19


Last week, Gilead Sciences tested the COVID-19 drug lemdesibir against a related compound in a library called GS-441524 after facing scrutiny of the latter drug, which has been used for many years to treat infectious peritonitis in cats. Announced FIP) Despite its unauthorized use.

Another California biotechnology, Anivive Lifesciences, is currently working on a cat-inspired COVID-19 antiviral drug, with new preclinical research findings supporting this project.

Scientists, centered at the University of Alberta, report that a drug developed to treat a coronavirus that can cause FIP inhibited both major SARS-CoV and SARS-CoV-2 proteases. did. It prevented the human coronavirus from replicating in cell culture, they report Journal Nature Communications.

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Originally Anibib Licensed Called GC376 by Kansas State University in 2018, the drug continues to be developed as an antiviral agent to treat FIP ​​and is a progressive disease of cats, often caused by coronaviruses and fatal if not treated. Target Last month anibib Said Two preclinical studies have begun to determine if GC376 can also treat COVID-19.

Relation: COVID-19: New animal data backs Gilead’s lemdesibir as other treatment candidates emerge

GC376 is designed to inhibit a protease called 3C that promotes the replication of some coronaviruses that infect animals and humans. They contain the feline coronavirus (FCoV), which usually causes mild symptoms in cats, but can lead to FIP.

Two pilot studies of GC376 in FIP-infected pet cats showed that the drug was effective and well-tolerated against the disease within 2 weeks. Anivive is currently expanding drug production for large-scale studies in cats.

In a new study, a team at the University of Alberta tested the ability of GC376 and its parent drug, GC373, to inhibit the 3C protease. They reported that both drugs inhibited viral replication.

The authors acknowledged that vaccines against COVID-19 are making rapid progress, but suggest that antiviral drugs are still needed in the short term. SARS-CoV-2 is a virus with a high mutation rate. Also, in some patients, the virus can persist for more than two months, which can lead to reinfection,” the researchers wrote.

In an interview with Genetic Engineering & Biotechnology News, Dr. M. Joanne Lemu, Professor of Structural Biology at the University of Alberta, pointed out that given the track record in veterinary medicine, the GC376 could move rapidly into human testing. did.

“This drug has already been used to treat cats with coronaviruses and has already passed because it is effective with little or no toxicity. [preclinical] Stages, and this allows us to move forward. Lemieux Said..


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