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Benadrill Challenge is a Dangerous and Deadly Epidemic on Social Media: Healthcare Professionals


Benadrill Challenge is dangerous social media that is prevalent in apps Tick I was 15 years old Oklahoma Teens last week, and at least 3 hospitalized Texas teenager According to May Multiple reports

The deadly challenge is to take the over-the-counter antihistamine, diphenhydramine (benadryl), several times to convince the participants until they go out or hallucinate.

“The Benadrill challenge may seem interesting, but it can be deadly. The Benadrill challenge is dangerous and potentially deadly,” he said.

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“At normal doses, Benadryl is safe. Overdose may cause Benadryl to beat the heart irregularly, eventually stopping the heart. It can also cause seizures and extreme drowsiness. “The combination of these can be deadly,” added Berman, Vice-Chair of Emergency Medicine.

「ベナドリルチャレンジ」は、TikTokで流行している危険なソーシャルメディアです。<br /> Stock”/></source></source></picture></div>
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The Benadrill Challenge is a dangerous social media prevalent on TikTok.

Benadryl is an over-the-counter antihistamine that is commonly used to treat allergies and allergic reactions.

Why teenagers try viral ticktock and social media challenges extinguish obvious danger

Dr. Kerry Johnson Arber, Medical Director of the National Capital Poison Center, told Fox News: Used in large quantities. “Medical toxicologist, Johnson Arber, adds: High doses of Benadryl can cause heart rhythm problems, cardiac arrest and death. “

“The bottom line is that engaging in such a challenge is inherently dangerous and can be fatal,” said Dr Rob Graatter, an emergency physician at Lennox Hill Hospital in New York City. Told Fox News. “Intubation may be necessary to secure the airways in a situation of considerable overdose. Simply put, when approaching the hallucinogenic dose required by the “challenge,” seizures and fatal arrhythmias may occur. The risk is also significantly higher,” Glatter told Fox News.

The BENADRYL TikTok trend is very concerned and dangerous and should be discontinued immediately. Like other medications, BENADRYL® products should only be used according to label instructions, as abuse and misuse can cause serious side effects and can have long-term consequences.

—BENADRYL® product manufacturer, Johnson & Johnson spokesperson

Johnson and Benadrill manufacturer Johnson spokesperson emailed a statement to Fox News:

“The health and safety of the people who use our products is our top priority. The trend of BENADRYL TikTok is very concerned, dangerous and needs to be discontinued immediately. Like any other drug, abuse Or BENADRYL® products should only be used according to the label instructions, as misuse can cause serious side effects and long-term consequences.All medicines should always be kept out of the reach of children. We strongly recommend that we work with TikTok and our partners to do what we can to stop this dangerous trend by removing content across social platforms that exhibit this behavior. It is included.”

Doctors told Fox News that it’s important for parents to protect their children from this social media challenge.

“It’s very important for parents to monitor their teens’ social media activity in light of these and other dangerous social media challenges,” said Gratter.

If overdose is suspected, Dr. Johnson Arbor told Fox News: “If you have any questions about the Benadryl Challenge, or if you have any concerns about potential toxic exposure, please contact your Poison Control Representative 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.” This website, The advice is free and confidential.

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