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Arizona Governor Duchy announces aggressive plans to expand access to influenza vaccine


Governor Doug Duchy Held a meeting on August 31st on the same day as Arizona 174 new cases of coronavirus reported, but no new deaths.. This was the first press conference in a few months. He talked about the flu, not about the coronavirus, and advised Arizona people to get the flu shot.

The governor also responded to criticisms of a recent trip to Washington, DC, which was found not to wear a mask.

The press conference on August 31 was all about the flu season, as Duchy said, flu prevention is more important than ever. This is because this flu season creates more challenges in COVID-19’s double whammy.

In Arizona, 700 people die from the flu each year, with more than 36,000 cases of flu in 2019, according to Duchy.

Dr. Cara Christ, director of health at Duchy and Arizona, stressed the importance of being vaccinated against the flu and said that flu prevention is one of the best ways to prevent the flu. It reduces the symptoms and shortens the time of transmission.

In an effort to expand access to vaccinations, they will be available to uninsured and uninsured people. The vaccine will also be available on some COVID-19 test sites.

Here’s what Dr. Christ had to say about what could happen during this flu season:

“The upcoming flu season and the spread of COVID-19 in our communities can overwhelm our healthcare system, so take proactive steps to prevent the spread of both illnesses. Is important.”

Christ warns that hospitals are at risk of being overwhelmed by the flu epidemic / COVID. Last year, Arizona had more than 36,000 cases of influenza, making it the best influenza ever. She also said AZDHS will follow up on COVID-19 guidance complaints to law enforcement agencies as well as the three bars (Bottle Blonde, Casa Amigos, Glow Shots & Cocktails) from August 29 to 30.

Arizona Coronavirus: Latest case number

Get 5 free masks

Students and parents can get five free face masks through a partnership with Haines. AZDHS offers a mask order form that requires an email address, first and last name, and mailing address.

by AZDHS website“We encourage anyone in the vulnerable group who is a student (or guardian on behalf of the student) or a staff member of the school, or who may not be able to purchase a mask and place the following orders. You can order 5 washable, reusable cloth face masks, 1 order per household, for ordering questions and information on how this program works. FAQ page.. If you have any questions about your order or the product itself, please contact Hanes. 1-800-503-6698

Arizona sees downward trend in hospitalization

State Department of Health August 31, total number is Coronavirus The number of cases since the beginning of the pandemic is 201,835. After the authorities noticed that the death toll was counted as two, the death toll remained at 5,029.

Hospitalization, including use of ventilators and beds in intensive care units, continues to decline.

DC Mask Controversy: Duchy Explains Why He Was Discovered Not Wearing It

The governor also responded to criticisms of a recent trip to Washington, DC, which was found not to wear a mask. The event took place outdoors, according to Duchy. He is wearing a mask when he is indoors. He is not wearing this when answering questions from reporters because the deaf community has said they need to read their lips in addition to an ASL interpreter.

“People can exercise the right to the first amendment regardless of whether it is a protest or a political event that I was doing, a political event that happened outdoors. So I wear a mask, when I’m in the business, when I’m in the grocery store, when I’m in the office, wherever I am, when I’m socially distanced or obligated I wear it.”

Meanwhile, the bar near Tempe Arizona State University in Tempe became the third Metro Phoenix facility, which suspended liquor licenses over the weekend. Violation requirements for resumption of coronavirus protocol..

State health officials are monitoring the bar for violations of social distance, masking, dancing, standing, and table occupancy restrictions in a Governor Doug Ducey executive order issued June 29.

In general, the number of coronavirus infections is considered higher, as many people have not been tested. Research shows that people can get infected without upset.

Most often, COVID-19 causes mild or moderate symptoms that resolve in a few weeks. However, it can cause more serious illnesses, including pneumonia and death, for some people, especially older people and those with existing health problems.

Download the FOX 10 News app to get the latest news on coronaviruses.. Our promise is that our alert is to inform you-not to scare you.

Associated Press contributed to this report.

To protect yourself from possible infections, CDC Recommendation:

  • Avoid close contact with sick people.
  • Do not touch your eyes, nose, or mouth.
  • Stay home when you are sick.
  • Cover your cough and sneeze with a tissue and throw it in the trash.
  • Use regular household cleaning sprays or wipes to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Cover your mouth and nose with a cloth face cover when you are around others.
  • Wash your hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds, especially after going to the bathroom. Before meals; after blowing nose, coughing or sneezing.
  • Monitor your health every day

map: Interactive coronavirus case data from around the world

map: Arizona Coronavirus Cases by Zip Code

Full range:

CDC: How coronavirus spreads, symptoms, prevention, treatment, FAQ

Arizona COVID-19 Resources, FAQ:

on CoronavirusNOW.comYou’ll find extensive coverage of COVID-19, including the latest news from across the country, exclusive interviews with health authorities, and valuable content from a variety of public health resources.


Symptoms of coronavirus COVID-19 include fever, cough, and shortness of breath. Of course, these are similar to common colds and flu.

A common cold is expected to begin with sore throat, tingling, coughing, runny nose, and/or stuffy nose. Influenza symptoms are more severe, usually sudden, and may include high fever.

The symptoms of COVID-19 may appear more slowly. According to the World Health Organization, they usually include a fever, a dry cough, and noticeable shortness of breath. A small number of cases develop pneumonia, which is of particular concern to the elderly and people with other medical problems such as high blood pressure, obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Relation: Flu, cold, or COVID-19? Various viruses show similar symptoms

Currently, there is one major difference between influenza and coronavirus. There are vaccines that help prevent the flu and it’s not too late to get the flu. We can’t protect you from catching a coronavirus, but it may put you in a better position to fight it.

To protect yourself, wash your hands thoroughly, keep your face away from yourself, and do not stand in the crowd or near people.

And if you notice any of these symptoms of influenza or coronavirus, do not go to your doctor’s office directly. Authorities argue that it only risks more people to disease. Call ahead and ask where you need to be.

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