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Sports associated with at least 55 cases in August


At least 55 cases of Covid-19 in August had some kind of sporting activity, Ministry of Public Health Said.

The Health Care Surveillance Center, which monitors outbreaks of the virus, said that the infected had 365 close contacts, producing an average of 6.6 close contacts in each case.

Public health officials last night ruled out the immediate lifting of the ban on spectators at sporting events imposed in mid-August. Dr. Ronan Glynn, Chief Medical Officer, said the focus so far is on getting school reopening to work over the next few weeks, and other measures will be considered thereafter.

The GAA believes that this action will drive spectators indoors into more dangerous environments, and has called on authorities to provide underlying evidence.

There are no conferences between the GAA and the National Public Health Emergency Team, but Dr. Grin said he was happy to meet all the sports groups.

Meanwhile, the cabinet is expected today to approve a plan to provide free influenza vaccines to over two million people.

However, due to issues related to Covid-19, delivery of influenza jabs to Ireland has been delayed.

Dose for 1.4 million adults will be available in mid-September. For the first time, a mass vaccination of 600,000 children is planned, but it is understood that this will not start from mid-to-late October. This is close to the recommended timeline within two weeks of each flu season.

Dr. Grin defended the public health emergency team’s response in recent months, with new figures showing that the incidence of Covid-19 in Ireland is higher than in Sweden, the United Kingdom, Germany and 14 other European countries.

Co Kildare companies yesterday welcomed the government’s decision to lift the restrictions imposed on the county last month.

According to statistics from the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention, the incidence in Ireland of 30.6 cases per 100,000 in the last two weeks has reached 12 times the rate two months ago.

However, Dr. Gulin denied public health officials had “looked away,” and reduced the surge to a “significant knock-on” increase in “explosive” and “abnormal” clusters.

He acknowledged there was “a little delay” in testing large clusters at Co Kildare, but said these issues have been resolved and “lessons learned”. Ireland was “testing with the best countries in Europe,” he claimed.

Co Kildare companies yesterday welcomed the government’s decision to lift the restrictions imposed on the county last month after a surge of incidents, initially associated with outbreaks at local meat processing plants.

“Apparent stabilization”

The trend is declining, but a decision was made despite Kildare maintaining the highest incidence in any county of the Republic.

An additional 53 confirmed Covid-19 cases were reported Monday night by the Public Health Emergency Team with no new deaths. Dublin accounted for 25 of the new cases and Limerick accounted for 11.

Dr. Grin said it was too early to read anything about the recent improvements, but added that he was encouraged by the “apparent stabilization” of numbers.

He said the review of the country’s Green List, which does not require travelers to be quarantined to arrive in Ireland, is a matter of government.

According to Dr. Grin, the Public Health Emergency Team is conducting an internal review of its work and its role will be reviewed externally as part of a government-planned framework to address the disease.

The United States exceeded Covid-19’s six million yesterday.

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