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Junk food associated with chromosomal age markers: a study


Short telomeres are markers of biological senescence at the cellular level, and new research suggests that diet is a factor in aging cells faster.

Short telomeres are markers of biological senescence at the cellular level, and new research suggests that diet is a factor in aging cells faster.

PARIS: People who eat a lot of industrially processed junk food are more likely to have age-related chromosomal changes, according to a study published Tuesday at an online medical conference.

Scientists say that if you take more than one serving of a so-called “super-processed food” three or more times a day, the chains of DNA and protein called telomeres at the ends of chromosomes rarely consume those foods. By comparison, the probability is reported to double. European and international conferences on obesity.

Short telomeres are markers of biological senescence at the cellular level, and this study suggests that diet contributes to faster cell senescence.

However, although strongly correlated, the authors warn that the causal link between eating highly processed foods and reduced telomeres is speculative.

Each human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes that contain our genetic code.

Telomeres do not carry genetic information, but are essential for maintaining chromosomal stability and integrity, and thus the DNA that all cells of our body depend on to function.

As you get older, telomeres naturally shorten because some telomeres are lost each time the cell divides.

Its decrease in length has long been recognized as a marker of biological age.

Scientists led by Professors Maria Bes-Rastrollo and Professor Amelia Marti of the University of Navarra, Spain, wanted to explore the suspicion of the relationship between regular consumption of highly processed junk food and telomere shrinkage. It was

-Not real food-

Previous studies have pointed to a possible link between sugar-containing drinks, processed meats, and other saturated fats and foods containing sugar, but the findings were inconclusive.

Super-processed foods are industrially manufactured substances that are composed of a mixture of oils, fats, sugars, starches, and proteins, and contain little or no whole food.

They often contain artificial flavors, colorants, emulsifiers, preservatives, and other additives that increase shelf life and profitability.

However, these same properties also mean that such foods are nutritionally poor compared to less-treated alternatives, the researchers said.

Previous studies have shown a strong correlation between ultra-processed foods and hypertension, obesity, depression, type 2 diabetes, and certain cancers.

These conditions are often age-related as long as they are associated with oxidative stress and inflammation known to affect telomere length.

Marti and colleagues looked at the health data of nearly 900 people over the age of 55 who provided DNA samples in 2008, and provided detailed data on their diet every two years thereafter.

The 645 men and 241 women were evenly divided into four groups according to their consumption of ultra-processed food.

People in the high intake group were more likely to have a family history of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and abnormal blood fat.

It also reduced consumption of foods, fiber, olive oil, fruits, vegetables and nuts associated with the Mediterranean diet.

Compared to the group that ate the least processed foods, the other three increased 29%, 40%, and 82%, respectively, with possible shorter telomeres.

The findings were published earlier this year in the peer-reviewed American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.


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