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Americans Reinfected With COVID Are Suffering From Worse Symptoms


Still, the impact is widespread.

Survey results come as a result of last week To report A Hong Kong man was re-infected with SARS-CoV-2-an example of the first re-infection recorded, in which case the virus returned asymptomatically.

The US case involves a 25-year-old Reno man who had mild symptoms in April but more severe symptoms when reinfected in mid-May. “Through nucleic acid sequence analysis, it was discovered that the virus associated with each instance of infection had some genetic inconsistencies that could not be reasonably explained in the short term. In vivo Evolution,” writes the researcher Lancet Investigation. “We conclude that humans can be infected with SARS-CoV-2 multiple times, but the generalizability of this finding is unknown.”

However, anecdotal evidence exists.

In July, D. Clay Ackerly, MD, MSc, a physician and primary care physician in Washington DC, Vox Described how his patient developed COVID-19 symptoms twice. In his view, Uckerley also took care to emphasize that his experience was based on only one patient. Still, “a track of moderate initial infection followed by severe reinfection suggests that this new coronavirus may share some trends with other viruses such as dengue fever.” ..

Title of opinion: “My patient caught Covid-19 twice. Is it so long to expect immunity?”

In a case involving a man in Reno, the researchers said the patient developed two different COVID disorders from two genetically distinct SARS-CoV-2 viruses. “This strongly supports the possible reinfection of SARS-CoV-2,” they write.

Reno was first discovered to have been infected with coronavirus at a community-based COVID-19 test event sponsored by the Washoe County Health District on April 18. His symptoms were sore throat, cough, headache, nausea and diarrhea, which he said surfaced on March 25. The man was quarantined and the symptoms disappeared by 27 April. Two rounds of nucleic acid amplification tests were performed to determine if they were still infected on May 9 and May 26.

They were negative for SARS-CoV-2 and the patient felt better, but two days later on May 28, he again began to feel the symptoms again: fever, headache, dizziness, cough, Nausea and diarrhea. He received a chest x-ray and was sent home.

But five days later, on June 5, he went to his doctor, where he was sent to the emergency department of the hospital where he was given oxygen.

Investigators called the two instances of the COVID-19 infection Case A and Case B. The probability of this happening is very far, virtually guaranteeing that these are two different viral infection events. Of course, if there is such an amazing event of base change did When occurring within that time, the salient nature of cases A and B shifts from potentially reinfectious cases to cases of high rates of evolution within infected individuals. “

They further write: “The implication of this finding is that the initial exposure to the SARS-CoV-2 virus may not result in a level of immunity that will protect 100% of all individuals. With respect to vaccination, this was established. It’s a good understanding, and influenza regularly presents the challenges of effective vaccine design.”

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