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COVID-19 disrupts healthcare services around the world


The COVID-19 pandemic disrupted essential healthcare services in almost every country, New survey According to the World Health Organization.

Low and middle income countries are most affected.

This will probably add an additional public health burden to the victims of the illness caused by the coronavirus. Who said..

Of the 105 countries that responded to the survey, 90% reported at least partial disruption to at least one of 25 essential services. Over half reported discontinuation of cancer diagnosis and treatment. The malaria program has affected almost half the countries. More than two fifths of tuberculosis; one third of HIV treatment.

File-May 11, 2016, a doctor is testing for malaria at Isania Sheri Hospital in Arusha, Tanzania.

Low-income countries bear the brunt of the impact. Nearly half were low-income in countries reporting disruption to at least 75% of critical services. Only 4% of high-income countries report this level of disruption.

The most commonly interrupted service is the regular immunization outreach program, which affects 70% of responding countries, followed by diagnosis and treatment of non-communicable diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. (69%), family planning and contraception (68%). ), and mental health treatment (61%).

Emergency emergency services were interrupted in almost a quarter of the country, with 22% of emergency departments in the country, 23% of blood transfusions and 19% of emergency surgeries.

Research shows that the “majority” of interruptions is partial, affecting 5-50% of services.

According to a WHO statement, the study “clarifies that even strong medical systems can be overwhelmed and compromised by the outbreak of COVID-19.”

North America, South America and the Caribbean were not included in the analysis. “At the time of the investigation, the high transmission conditions and capacity of COVID-19 were limited,” said the report.

The new data is the most thorough assessment of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on healthcare services. WHO was previously Vaccination drive, Mess of loss of communication Illness service Impact on access to HIV drugs..

FILE-Doctors take AIDS / HIV blood tests from athletes at the 18th National Sports Festival in Lagos, Nigeria.

Confusion to most HIV, TB and malaria programs in low-income countries supported by Global fundIt is reported to be a public-private partnership. One study Mortality from these diseases over the next five years is estimated to increase by 10%, 20%, and 36%, respectively.

The survey results were based on a WHO staff survey sent to 159 countries in May, of which 105 countries responded. Most of the answers arrived in May and June, and some in July.

The report says the country is starting to adapt. Most people have established triage procedures to identify high-priority cases. Telemedicine is on the rise, if possible. About half of the countries have found new ways to dispense drugs.

The report documented what worked in different settings and stated that efforts to learn from it were “urgently needed.”


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