Breaking News | Coronavirus Research: Home Testing Detects Low Levels of Virus
At home Coronavirus Thanks to the new invention, the test quickly becomes sensitized and can inform people whether they are infected before symptoms appear.
Inexpensive daily home-based coronavirus testing is the “holy grail” for resuming society ahead of widely available vaccines.
However, current laboratory techniques rarely detect viruses in nasal, saliva, or urine samples until a few days after exposure, usually after the onset of symptoms (when someone becomes ill). There is none.
That’s because there aren’t enough copies of the virus in the human body, so even a sample of the virus on the first day of infection cannot be detected by High Tech Lab’s very powerful machines.
But researchers at the University of Cincinnati and Wright Patterson Air Force Base solved the problem by forcing the virus in the sample to a much higher concentration, and invented a device that could detect the pathogen with a simple test at home. ..
Scientists used a high-pressure device to focus a copy of the influenza virus on a saliva sample to facilitate detection. This is a promising step towards a test that can diagnose people with other viruses (including SARS-CoV-2) before symptoms appear
A recent proposal by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that asymptomatic people do not necessarily have to be tested for coronavirus, but nowadays almost everyone who is swabbed and infected You can definitely look it up.
However, this process is expensive for health insurance companies, governments, and healthcare facilities, and results typically take days to return, depending on where they were tested.
Currently, there are several approved point-of-care tests that return results on the spot within 30, 15, or 5 minutes, and some test kits that allow you to wipe your own swabs at home and send samples to the lab.
However, rapid on-site testing is not as sensitive as the slower tests that ship to the lab. In other words, it may not detect low levels of virus and increase false negative results.
Also, a test that needs to be sent to the lab, whether the patient is wiped in the clinic, the clinic, or at home, is when people may unknowingly spread the virus. Means late
To solve this problem, researchers at the University of Cincinnati and Wright Patterson Air Force Base decided that they needed to find a way to force a relatively large number of copies of the virus into a relatively small sample.
They tested two different techniques for creating a more virally concentrated solution of saliva or urine.
To that end, scientists have determined that they need to pull the sample through the membrane, act as a “filter”, and put more virus in one place.
First, they tried to do this with an all-in-one device that uses a vacuum to draw water like a wash, and all of the samples so that what remains is a more highly concentrated virus. A non-viral component of and a weak solution.
It worked, but the process was slow, taking about 30 minutes per sample.
Their second attempt achieved the same filtration process, but used a high pressure nitrogen tank. It exerted 100 pounds of pressure on each square inch of sample.
“The test results are very consistent with the second device, showing 33 times more concentration results than the original sample,” said lead research author Amy Drexelius.
“Pre-concentration of a 1 ml sample can be accomplished in 5 minutes and even faster at higher pressures.”
They tested the ability of the new device to focus influenza A on saliva and urine. They also tested their ability to detect the pregnancy hormone HCG in urine. This means it may also lead to a better pregnancy test.
Although coronavirus samples have not been tested through the device, the ability to focus and catch influenza is suggested to be the same for SARS-CoV-2.
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