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Health Minister says blockade in Dublin is “not taken into account” despite the increase in incidents


Minister of Health Dublin Despite the increase in capitalization, it is not considered at this time.

Minister Stephen Donnelly The roadmap will be released in two weeks, Coronavirus It is managed nationwide.

However, he said the blockade in Dublin is “not currently considered”, but said the situation was being watched carefully.

But the recent blockades in Kildare, Laois, and O’Fari show that local restrictions work, he said.

“We are looking at different healthcare areas within Dublin. We are seeing higher cases in the northwestern border of Kildare.

Public members inspire bad weather on Grafton Street in Dublin city center
(Image: Collins Photography Agency)

“The incidents in Dublin have generally grown steadily in the last few days. We are closely monitoring the situation.”

“There was no talk of additional restrictions in Dublin or elsewhere.”

Donnelly added that proportional fines could be imposed on those who broke public health rules, such as throwing housekeepers and not wearing face masks.

The new bill will come before Dail this week and will give Gardai additional powers to close pubs and other facilities that are not in compliance with public health guidelines.

You can also shut down house parties that violate current Covid limits.

However, the Health Minister said earlier legislation would see people being disproportionately punished because they broke coronavirus restrictions.

Donnelly said current Covid regulations are based on the Health Act of 1947 and only provide fines of up to €2,500 and/or six months’ imprisonment.

“Obviously, it’s completely disproportionate to the kinds of infringements we’re seeing.”

“Therefore, face-covering can be subject to a fine of 20 or 40 euros. House parties who believe they have real public health problems should have more appropriate fines.

But even if the new bill were passed, the minister said Gardai would not be able to enter someone’s house without a warrant, and the young man got a “bad name” because he did not follow the rules of the coronavirus. I believe that

“When we come to a world of coercion, we lose the battle with Covid-19.”

“We do not want a society where people snoop on each other and spy on each other.

“What we want is a situation where gardai can act as needed when there is a clear public health risk associated with Covid.”

He added, “Under existing legislation, such as public order, the gardens are already empowered.

“Youth have gotten a bad name because of non-compliance, it’s not true, it’s not fair, and the data doesn’t back it up.”

Another 217 cases of coronavirus were confirmed yesterday in Ireland, the largest recorded since March.

Dublin has the most new cases, with 103 recorded.


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