Fort Bend County provides PPE to local residents
COVID-19 numbers are falling, but Fort Bend County Judge KP George advised community members to be vigilant about the virus as personal protective equipment (PPE) was distributed on Friday 28 August ..
Vehicles lined up for distribution drive-through in the parking lot of Shinko Ranch Branch Library to receive PPE kits. The line moved quickly. Each kit included 50 surgical masks, antibacterial hand wipes, hand sanitizers and soaps, and instructional flyers to prevent the spread of coronaviruses.
The distribution event was the third of four events the county will hold on Friday as the summer ends and students are preparing to return to campus. George said PPE would benefit many families and individuals.
“It’s precisely because of the need for PPE and all sorts of sanitary equipment that Fort Bend County decided to do a large distribution and people could get it and take it home,” said George. Says.
Although the pandemic is still around six months old, lower hospitalization rates are a good sign of some relief, George said. As of August 28th, the county remains at the red “high community risk” warning level. George said he was studying the data and was talking to health officials to consider lowering that level soon.
Overall, the county says it manages the pandemic and its per capita well, and has conducted a COVID-19 test compared to most counties in Texas. According to the county, testing is the only way the community can identify the extent of the problem and the areas most affected so that the county can deal with the virus most effectively. He urged symptomatic people to still be tested, especially given the vulnerabilities of older generations, which tend to be more susceptible to viruses.
“Maybe things are going in the right direction, but not now, that is, we do what we do by wearing masks, washing our hands, wearing gloves. We can’t be wary because we need to keep going. The social distances that need it. It’s all working. It’s a very simple thing,” he said, until the vaccine is ready. Pointed out that the above measures will help maintain the health of people.
When the event started in the morning, the family was receiving some kits, depending on the number of families. George wanted to encourage people to share material they didn’t need with their neighbors or other people with whom they interact: find someone who can use them and don’t throw them away.
One positive aspect George mentioned was that the pandemic “knelt us down” to make people smell the roses, spend time with their families, and make their lives better. I am grateful for things in my life, such as trying to change to. He said people can accelerate their lives decades later and then look back at what happened and how they missed it.
For him, some have minimized the thousands of deaths in the United States as a result of COVID-19, claiming it is a small part of the total population. George said anyone who said his parents weren’t dead.
Although some people, and even politicians, neglect the impact of the pandemic as it has become a political issue, restaurants serve meals for police officers and service nurses on the verge of closing. I also learned from other people who donated and offered to meet him who had been away from home for a few days as she continued to work.
District 3 chair Andy Myers and his staff worked with the emergency management and fire department offices to organize the kit. Aside from library drive-through sites, Myers said he provided kits to over 55 communities for seniors who may not want to go out.
Fort Bend County believes in aggressive testing and support for the elderly, and has worked hard to combat COVID-19.
The final distribution event is scheduled for Friday, September 4, at the Corners Center at 15700 Old Richmond Road in Sugar Land. Runs from 8am to 2pm or until there is no supply.
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