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Bus Drivers Most Likely to Allow White Customers, Not Black People to Ride: Survey-More Lifestyles


Bus drivers are more likely to get white passengers on board for free and more likely not, according to a new paper black The rider rides without paying a fee.

The paper was published in The Economic Journal.

Police officers must issue tickets to drivers who exceed the speed limit. Grocery store workers can’t hand merchandise for free. Similarly, a bus driver needs a valid ticket for all passengers before boarding the bus.

This study set out to test what happens when decision makers have to make unsupervised decisions. Do they voluntarily agree? And if so, do they reward and accept more people than others?

This study tested discretionary favors in daily consumer transactions: private accommodation. In the survey, researchers hired a randomly assigned test customer on a public bus, where they presented a zero-value travel card and asked the bus driver if he could get to the bus stop for free. The official rules and policies of public bus companies, in most cases, discourage employees from providing services for free, but nearly two-thirds of the observed bus drivers do so. , Mainly for people with thin skin.

Based on 1,552 transactions in Queensland, Australia, the authors revealed strong evidence of racial prejudice. Bus drivers allowed white testers twice the freedom of black testers (72% vs. 36%). Indian testers were accepted by 51%, while Asian testers were treated like whites. 73% of the time you will get a free ride. After controlling several other variables, including bus driver age, gender, and race, such racial prejudice against black citizens still existed. Based on the data, the researchers found no evidence of their group bias: Bus drivers could allow other race customers to get a free ride, just like their own customers It was very good.

Research has revealed strong evidence of racism. An important feature of the field experiment was that the bus driver determine who stood for only a few seconds in front. Here, bus drivers seemed to use the customer’s skin color as a surrogate for other unobservable group characteristics. Uncovered white privileges have diminished, but are still present when the test customer is wearing business attire or military uniforms.

“Our findings show that white privileges extend to supporters of the market or even private accommodation. These are often hidden and unregulated,” the paper said. Redzo Mujcic, one of the authors, said. “The level of privilege of white people discovered is significantly higher than that previously documented in other markets or public services such as employment and housing where discrimination is already illegal. As a society, especially to discriminated minorities. Given the high economic and social costs incurred, we need to think of ways to eliminate such biases in our daily interactions, for example, white citizens will be offered such gifts in future transactions. You can simply refuse.”

(This article has been published from the telegraph agency feed without any changes to the text. Only the headings have changed.)

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