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You can never imagine how this one could spread the coronavirus to the other 23 – BGR


  • Numerous studies have demonstrated that coronaviruses can be transmitted in the air, emphasizing the importance of face masks, social distance, and proper ventilation.
  • According to a new Chinese study, one person has infected 23 others.

New coronaviruses are easily transmitted in the air, and more research is demonstrating that airborne transmission of COVID-19 is of great concern to health authorities and the general public. of World Health Organization (WHO) reluctantly admitted The virus is capable of transmitting in the air when more than 200 scientists urge the group to do so. However, tissues claim that droplet infections are primarily responsible for the spread of the virus, whereas aerosol infections can only occur under certain conditions. It happened a few months ago. Since then, more research has shown it Airborne offers the most compelling explanation In many cases. The other day, Some new studies from China and Europe Exhaled breath can contain millions of viral particles, explaining that an air conditioning system that simply recirculates air can increase the risk of infection. Another paper shows how one infected individual spread COVID-19 to 23 others on the same bus in January, showing the possibility of coronavirus transmission in the air. I will.

Researchers at the China CDC have the luxury of conducting research that is absolutely impossible today, especially in areas where the COVID-19 pandemic is occurring. They studied a case of coronavirus spread among passengers on the same bus and compared it to a second group of passengers who took different buses but attended the same event. Published in JAMA Internal Medicine, “Airborne transmission may partly explain the increased risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection among these sliders,” the study states.

The study looked at 128 people divided into two buses that made a 100-minute round trip to a 150-minute religious event. The original patient was a passenger on bus 2, sitting in the middle of the bus, as shown in the figure below. Novice patients were positively diagnosed after the trip, and 23 others on the same bus were infected.

Coronavirus airborne spread
The figure shows the seating chart of a bus with 23 other COVID-19 patients infected. Index patients are shown in red. Image Source: JAMA Internal Medicine

I got a virus no matter where I was sitting on the bus. This seems to clearly indicate that ventilation may be involved in the spread of the disease. “The lack of a significantly increased risk in the part of the bus close to the index case suggested that the virus’s airborne spread may at least partially explain the observed significantly higher attack rates.” The study wrote.

23 people may have been infected at a worship event. It’s always a possibility. But what happened on the other buses suggests that the infection occurred during the nearly two-hour ride, not at the location of the event.

The 60 passengers on Bus 1 did not get the virus, despite attending the same event with the passengers on Bus 2. Only 7 people were infected during the entire non-bus event. A total of 300 people gathered. All this happened when the outbreak of COVID-19 in China was largely confined to Wuhan-at least according to Chinese authorities-no safety measures were taken.

As with the study of COVID-19, further research on airborne transmission is definitely needed. However, bath spread studies have shown that it is important to avoid crowded areas, especially if ventilation is poor, as long as the infection is still intensifying.

Chris Smith started writing about gadgets as a hobby, and before he knew it, he shared tech-related views with readers around the world. When I’m not writing about gadgets, I try hard, but I’m trying to stay away from gadgets. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


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