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UCSF 24th Street Test Study Reveals 9% Infection, Unbalanced Latinx Covid-19 Infection


A study released today by the UCSF shows that this demographic is not only positive at a higher rate than in other parts of San Francisco, but it is also likely to pass the covid-, southeast of the city. He emphasized the importance of increasing testing for Latinx residents in the department 19 because of the inability to self-isolate.

Out of 2,622 Bay Area residents tested in 24th Street BART popup test site Latinx residents started a month ago and registered an 11% positive rate compared to a 9% positive rate for all participants. Both are overall San Francisco rates, currently 2.6%, according to the Department of Public Health.

“It’s very personal, deeply painful and frustrating. April We don’t know about covid-19,” said Jon Jacobo, chief organizer. Latin Task Force, An organization that joined UCSF to lead this pilot study.

Although the study is limited, for example, 92% of participants are symptomatic and can take into account the high positive rates, but this data suggests that testing in places where infection is most likely to be demonstrated. Emphasize the benefits. These results are still significantly higher than those at the Embarcadero laboratory, which has a positive rate of only 1%, said Dr. Diane Havlir, Head of HIV, Infectious Diseases and World Medicine at UCSF.

It also shows how the city’s efforts to eliminate the test barriers faced by low-income Latinans are unsuccessful. Almost half of the positive cases were at the most infectious stage of the virus. That is, people may be testing too late and may have infected others.

Interviews between test volunteers and pop-up people revealed that they were symptomatic and were tested and took an average of 5 days to evacuate on the spot-a tremendous delay in testing and turnaround .. According to health care professionals, Covid is the most contagious when symptoms first appear, and can become infected after up to 5 days.

Seven percent of the positive test subjects used BART or Muni that day.

“This virus moves very fast. We need to catch up,” Havlir said. “Basically, the train left the station. I need to ask — where’s the delay? We’re testing.”

But experts say quarantine plays a role in controlling proliferation as much as testing. Unfortunately, some people may not be able to quarantine at all.

Studies show that essential and low-income workers continue to work, and therefore are at high risk for corbid. Results reported today show that 87% of test participants earn less than $50,000 annually and 79% live in overcrowded homes (median 6 per household).

“If you’re asymptomatic and you go to work, collect daily salaries, or face home, which one would you choose?” Jacovo said.

City leaders tried to deal with this with a program like this Right to recoverWill fund coded positive workers for up to 4 weeks, but will not be available until mid-September. On the other hand, 22% of the positive respondents say they are denying that their work is still not paying sick leave, despite calls from local leaders.

“Knowing that we can’t raise money in sufficient time means giving up the bills and responsibilities they have,” Jacobo said. “We need to make sure this has money and works correctly.”

Susana Roxas, organizer of the Latin American Task Force, said the survey questions also highlighted the lack of covid education in vulnerable communities. For example, some covid-positive residents said they were unaware of the symptoms. In addition, 98% of those who tested positive on the 24th Avenue site self-reported that they were wearing a mask. A 9% positive rate suggests that people may not be wearing them correctly.

“The community doesn’t need masks and is a mixed message of hoax,” Rojas said, suggesting that the data is effective at the right time. “Wear correctly and consistently.”

Jacobo added that most people remove their masks when they are relaxing at home. In overcrowded households, this can increase risk and infection.

Dr. Kirsten Bibbins Domingo, in many ways, says the 24th Avenue pilot was successful. Vice Dean of UCSF’s Population Health and Health Equality. Targeted, low-barrier, regional testing is needed, demonstrating that researchers need to explore lesser-known areas such as transportation transmission. (Current data suggests low transmission on public transport when riders are masked, Bibbins Domingo noted.)

“BART is a perfect example of a testing and surveillance strategy, which is also seen locally,” Domingo said. About 18% of the participants lived in suburban locations such as San Mateo County.

Of the 2,622 subjects in about 3 weeks, 93% liked Latin and 85% preferred Spanish.

“It’s great to have another test facility, but it’s a strategy that needs to be entered into a community where we know that communication is higher,” Bayview, Excelsior, Sunnydale..

More work remains for the city and its community groups.

“We need resources.”

This Labor Day weekend, Latin Task Force, Carnival organizers aim to test about 2,000 people For free..

Report on what is most important to the community. Please support our work now..

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