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UC San Diego Participates in COVID-19 Second National Trial (KPBS Midday Edition Segment)


San Diego Health, California, announced Wednesday that it will participate in the second national clinical trial to develop a vaccine against SARS-CoV-2, a novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19.

Speaker 1:00:00 The Centers for Disease Control has notified the country that a new COVID-19 vaccine may be launched next month. We raise questions about the speed with which vaccine trials were conducted. Meanwhile, UCS D is recruiting approximately 3,000 candidates in San Diego and Imperial County, where they participate in a new vaccine trial and explain what the trial is about. I have a doctor. Susan Little leads the AstraZeneca exam at UC SD. Thank you for joining Dr. Little. Thank you very much. So please tell us about this vaccine trial and what it contains.

Speaker 2:00:31 Now, the AstraZeneca vaccine was released nationwide last week from August 28th. I want to start recruiting here in San Diego next week. Um, and in the Imperial Valley, um, maybe a week or two later, um, we’ll hire. Well, I think it’s over 1000 or over 1500 for both sites. Well, we’re generally looking for healthy adults over the age of 18, but the underlying condition is fine. People with existing diabetes, heart disease, lung disease, etc. are fine unless they have been hospitalized in the past three months. In particular, we are looking for elderly people over the age of 65.

Speaker 1:01:11 How does this vaccine work? And is it different from anything else in development?

Speaker 2:01:14 Almost all vaccines under development use a similar approach. In other words, the spike protein of the COVID virus is used to trigger the response. Well, they receive a vector that is a vaccine construct and embed a portion of the SARS virus in it. Well, the tiny fragments that spike proteins are expected to allow um, vaccinated people to elicit um, antibody responses, protected antibody responses. Therefore, this vaccine is very similar to other vaccines. Just use another vaccine platform with the same spike protein embedded.

Speaker 1:01:58 Do you give priority to reaching out to specific communities?

Speaker 2:02:01 We prioritize the communities most hit by COVID. It is a color community in San Diego, primarily in the South Bay and East counties. And these communities I think, uh, have the greatest opportunity to benefit from effective vaccines. Well, that’s why we give priority to those communities. Also the so-called mandatory labor community, those at high risk of getting COVIDs for their jobs, those exposed to COVIDs because they are out of the workforce.

Speaker 1:02:35 And planned to recruit people by going to a specific community by bus. I understand.

Speaker 2:02:40 One of the most unique features of this study is the development of a fully mobile vaccine clinic. Therefore, we will use mobile vaccines, mobile vehicles for specific communities and mobile vehicles, their location, parking lots with a focus on Chula Vista, Imperial Beach and La Mesa. Also, walk-ups are not allowed, but we will schedule people to contact you through our website and phone number. Well, we do vaccination on the bus. Um, um, and then come back for a follow-up visit. Well, we will have another mobile vehicle for people who have or suspected of having a COVID during the follow-up of the survey. Therefore, it does not mix potentially infected and uninfected people

Speaker 1:03:31 Remember that the CDC is talking about rolling out an approved vaccine next month. With Phase 3 trials just beginning, how realistic is it to expect a vaccine by next month?

Speaker 2:03:43 I think it’s unlikely. We all hope that a vaccine study similar to AstraZeneca, which started in a monist study, for example, would enroll 30,000 people in eight weeks. The study started in late July. Um, if all these studies could recruit a target population of 30,000 in 8 weeks, maybe 4, 6, or 8 months later, um, a good endpoint. This is a full case of COVID that has occurred in the study population, and we might be able to judge its efficacy, but I think 4 months is um, optimistic, um, maybe 6 months. Well, I think November is probably more politically motivated than scientifically motivated

Speaker 1:04:41 or vaccine trial scheduled to last for 2 years. So even if another vaccine comes out sooner, will the trial still continue?

Speaker 2:04:47 Yes. Um, there will be multiple studies released one after another, and um, the goal is, um, ideally, there are multiple vaccine studies and multiple vaccines doing multiple vaccine studies all at the same time , Probably two years of follow-up. Two years follow-up is for safety. Well, even if the study turns out to be valid for four or five months for a vaccine study, there are enough study endpoints to continue the study for safety reasons. Well, um, um, um, um, all those who find the study effective will give those who received a placebo the opportunity to roll over the intervention, as we say. We are planning to be actin arm. Well, research continues for safety reasons. Well, but the goal is to get multiple vaccines that have proven effective. Realistically, from all these studies, one vaccine was found to work. Vaccination of the whole world with effective vaccines, not just the United States, will be a major challenge.

Speaker 1:05:59 And at UCS D, have you begun to prepare for a strategy to deploy a vaccine, state or county that communicates with health care providers in San Diego about it,

Speaker 2:06:09 There is already a national effort to attempt and discuss the equitable availability and distribution of the vaccine. So, um, surely, healthcare providers involved in vaccine leadership among vaccine research and national leaders will have policies across the United States when effective vaccines become available. We hope to help ensure equitable access and distribution of the vaccines we are currently working to formulate.

Speaker 1:06:43 So Doctor. For a moment, how can people sign up for your trial where I work? People get more information

Speaker 2: 06:49 Website is COVID Vaccine SD COVID Vaccine st com. Well, once they visit the website, they’re written in English and Spanish. Well, they complete a short survey. Um, um, prioritization helps us prioritize the speed with which we respond to individuals. Well, there is also a phone number (619) 742-0433. Um, if people don’t want to use the website, um, this, um, the website is for all subsequent research I lead in San Diego. Therefore, some come shortly after this study of AstraZeneca.

Speaker 1:07:27 Thank you Dr. Little.

Speaker 2:07:29 Thank you very much. Thank you for the opportunity.

Speaker 1:07:31 We have talked to the doctor. Susan Little leads the AstraZeneca exam at UCS.


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