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US Coronavirus: Deaths are expected to reach 410,000 in the next four months


A model from the University of Washington’s Health Metrics and Assessment Laboratory points to a decline in mask use in some areas from peak usage in early August. Model scenarios suggest that 122,000 of these lives could be saved with the use of a nearly universal mask. It also warns that the death toll may exceed 620,000. All restrictions are relaxed.

According to the IHME briefing, “If a herd’s immune strategy is pursued, the death toll could increase to 620,000 if government intervention is not done until January 1st”. ..

IHME estimates that mortality could reach an unprecedented 3,000 per day by December, partly due to “lower public alertness.”

The IHME model is more aggressive in its prediction than other models. The new CDC ensemble forecast is the day after forecasting 211,000 US deaths by Covid-19 by September 26.

Campus urged to ban tobacco use in the fall

Congressman repeatedly says Call to college or university campus Banning tobacco use this fall by coronavirus pandemics.

In a letter to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Democrats confirmed their Covid-19 guidelines with the Federal Health Service and encouraged schools to ban smoking and chewing tobacco.

The letter cites a study that suggests that young people who have used e-cigarettes may be five times more likely to be diagnosed with Covid-19. Researchers at Stanford University published this report last month in the Journal of Adolescent Health.

“Following a study by Stanford University, the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) has announced that it will ban tobacco use on campus in the fall… in making that decision, UNLV will help someone smoke, vaping, or Cigarettes that take into account the biting, they cannot comply with the requirements for wearing a mask,” Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi and Senate Democratic Party Whipp Durbin wrote in a letter.

Because of the public health risks of coronaviruses, the CDC said it should “act swiftly and strongly.”

According to Johns Hopkins University, the coronavirus infects more than 6.1 million people nationwide.

Krishna Moorti last month wrote a letter to the Food and Drug Administration calling for a temporary liquidation of all e-cigarette markets during the coronavirus crisis. He wrote it on behalf of the Economic and Consumer Policy Subcommittee.

Young people urged to be cautious

More young people are infected with the coronavirus. Experts fear that many colleges and schools will not grow until they are reopened.

For example, in August alone, Governor Mike Personn said that nearly 7,000 people aged 18 to 24 in Missouri were coronavirus-positive. About 30% of new cases in the state belong to that age group.

“Young and healthy people are likely to have milder symptoms and faster recovery…Unknowingly, Covid-19 can be delivered to older people who cannot fight the virus or to people with underlying illnesses. Youth need to take precautions and understand their responsibilities.”

Many young people continue to test positive, but the majority of them do not require hospitalization.

“I now know that there are many concerns about college students. But our colleges and universities are planning and take all the steps necessary to keep students and communities as secure as possible. I want to ensure that they are working,” said Person.

Viruses have been identified on campuses of universities in at least 40 states, and authorities are calling attention to holiday weekends.

Dr. Anthony Fauci states that assigning quarantine space to Covid-19 positive students is the key to safe opening of colleges

“I think a lot of people have just gone to campus and probably won’t go home, so they’ll have free time there,” said Asa Hutchinson, Governor of Arkansas. “We need to be careful this weekend,” he said.

More than 200 of the 969 new cases reported in the state came from Washington County, home of the University of Arkansas, he said.

In the county, four out of five positive tests were performed among people aged 18 to 24.

Dr. Anthony Fauci pointed out the steps universities should take to make them successful.

In a telephone interview with CNN, the director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases said the university should consider reopening only if some protocols are in place. This includes all student tests, surveillance tests at various intervals, and out-of-the-box isolation space.

“They need to have the ability to test from the beginning,” said Foech, who emphasized testing on arrival. “They need to have the ability to do surveillance testing as you enter the school year, and they need to have a plan on how to handle the inevitable winder inevitable .”

He said it would be impractical to assume that there were no cases of Covid-19 on campus and that the plan needed to include a specific isolation space designated for virus-infected students.

Pressure on vaccines increases as elections get closer

President Donald Trump has said that due to persistent voting deficits and economic deterioration, Pressure on federal health authorities To facilitate coronavirus vaccine and treatment work.

Through his public remarks and private suggestions, Trump is seeking better news about the pandemic, and even the developments that were considered minor by health professionals could be extended to a big announcement he can claim. Insisted.

Last week alone, FDA Commissioner Dr. Stephen Hahn was forced to apologize for the over-advertised announcement of the Plasma, after which he dismissed a new Communications Assistant and ended the criticism from the West Wing.

FDA officials also told CNN that Mr. Trump has consistently sought to speed up the vaccine development timeline in order to win the vaccine by election day.

The CDC urged the state to prepare to distribute the coronavirus vaccine as early as next month, but health officials said the timeline is unlikely.

CNN’s Jacqueline Howard, Maggie Fox, Chuck Johnston, Annie Greer, Kevin Liptack, and Kytran Collins contributed to this report.


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