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More than 1,500 East Lothian children left school with a careful coronavirus approach


At Courier, more than 1,500 East Lothian students were absent from lessons this week as schools and parents take a very careful approach to the potential spread of the coronavirus. understood.

The number of students absent from municipal primary and high schools on Wednesday was almost twice as high as last year, claiming that some children went home shortly after coughing.

Some families reported being told to recruit young people from school for coughing, despite the absence of other signs of Covid-19.

The courier will also send the child home by sending her to a school’s “Covid room” before being called out by a nervous classmate with a slight cough in class and contacting parents and caregivers. It is said that sometimes there are precautionary measures.

The East Lothian Council said the school was encouraged to follow national guidance on returning children from school and was working with the principal to ensure that health and safety were a priority. Told.

The Scottish Government advises not to keep children at home if they have a cold, and to self-isolate or have them tested if they are showing symptoms of coronavirus. ..

Local officials said attendance at the school as a whole this Wednesday was 89.6 percent, compared to 94 percent on the same day last year. This is the same as the absence of approximately 1,700 of the 16,114 students in the county.

So far, only one case of Covid-19 has been reported in one of the council’s six middle schools and 34 primary schools, and children at Preston Tower Primary School in Preston Pans were virus positive late last month.

Council Spokesperson: “It is important to note that absenteeism reflects a variety of reasons, not the specific reasons for absenteeism.

“The Scottish Government’s National Clinical Director writes advice to parents and caregivers throughout Scotland on when children and adolescents develop symptoms of common colds and similar insects during a pandemic.

“He emphasized that it is common for circulating colds and similar viral infections to follow school return after a long break.

“Often, children are well-attended to school and can continue learning with little or no interruption in education. For example, if you have a very severe cold, take a day or two. You may need to recover.

“This does not apply to children and adolescents who may develop Covid-19 symptoms. They need to be self-isolated and tested. Or call 0800 028 2816.

“The main symptoms to notice are new and persistent cough/fever/high temperature/loss or change in smell and taste.

“If your child does not have Covid-19 symptoms, but has other cold-like symptoms such as a runny nose, the child does not need to be tested and can go to school if eligible.”

A grandparent was asked by Courier to cough and then be asked to collect grandchildren from school, but a test confirmed that he did not have Covid-19, while the father also coughed his son and his teacher. Was said to have gone home after being heard, but the negative was also tested.

The council spokesperson said: “Schools are encouraged to follow national advice, including being aware of Covid-19 symptoms, and we are committed to the continued health and safety of all students and staff. We will continue to work with our principals to ensure that there is a constant focus on ensuring.”

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