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“Social smokers” face disproportionate risk of death from lung disease and lung cancer



Lung tissue. Credit: Rutgers University

“Social smokers” are more than twice as likely to die of lung disease and more than eight times more likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers, according to a study presented at an international conference of the European Respiratory Society It will be higher.

Studies also show risks of Death”‘-People who smoke less than 10 cigarettes per day — practically no lower than those who smoke 20 or more cigarettes per day.

Researchers say their studies suggest that reducing or combining vaping with fewer cigarettes is not an alternative to quitting smoking.

The study was conducted by Dr. Paravivarte and Dr. Elizabeth Elsner at the Irving Medical Center at Columbia University in New York, USA. Dr Barthe told the virtual conference: “everyone knows Is bad for you, but if you smoke a little, you’re likely to think that the risks aren’t too high.

“Previous studies have suggested that people are reducing their smoking, for example in the United States, Smoking less than 10 cigarettes per day increased from 16% to 27%. Therefore, we wanted to investigate the risk to social smokers, compared to nonsmokers and heavier smokers. “

The study included 18,730 people from a multi-ethnic sample of the US general population with an average age of 61 years. Researchers tracked people on average for 17 years, during which 649 died of respiratory illness 560 people died of lung cancer.

Of nonsmokers, 1.8% died of respiratory illness and 0.6% died of lung cancer. About 3.3% of social smokers (people who smoke less than 10 cigarettes a day) 4.7% died of lung cancer. For heavy smokers (people who smoked more than 20 cigarettes a day), these percentages were 10.1% and 12.9%, respectively.

The researchers calculated mortality rates from respiratory disease and lung cancer and compared these mortality rates among nonsmokers, social smokers, and heavy smokers. They have taken into account other factors that may influence , Age, gender, race, educational background, weight, etc.

They found that social smokers were 2.5 times more likely to die of respiratory illness and 8.6 times more likely to die of lung cancer than nonsmokers. Social smokers had about half the respiratory mortality rates compared to heavy smokers, but lung cancer mortality was two-thirds that of heavy smokers.

Dr. Barthet adds:

“Smoking is dangerous, whether you’re a smoker or a social smoker, so if you don’t want to die, Or in case of respiratory illness, the best action is to stop altogether. “

Dr. Barthe and his colleagues continue to study the effects of social smoking and the impact of new habits such as vaping.

Not involved in the study, Jorgen Vestbo is chairman of the European Council for Respiratory Protection and Professor of Respiratory Medicine at the University of Manchester, UK. He said: “In many countries, the proportion of people who smoke habitually is declining, but we need to worry about those who identify as social smokers. It’s the first step in the right direction, the best way to protect the lungs and our overall health, but it’s clear that there are no safe smoking levels.

“This large study is important because it shows that reducing smoking is probably not what people want, for example using evidence-based means, such as access to support services. In order to help smokers quit smoking completely, they should do everything they can to, a nicotine patch or gum.”

Ex-smokers and light smokers are not exempt from lung damage

For more information:
Summary Number: OA4389, “Intensity Smoking Is Associated with Respiratory and Lung Cancer Mortality,” Pallavi Balte et al; Tuesday, September 8, 10:40-11:40 CEST, “Tobacco and Vaping Health From Impact to Tobacco Stop” Session:…? e = 259 & session = 12386

Quote:’Social smokers’ face disproportionate risk of death from lung disease and lung cancer (4 September 2020). .html

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