Is it safe to trick or handle? Halloween Health Safety 2020
The novel coronavirus pandemic interferes with many of our yearly traditions, but many families seem to be stuck Celebrate Halloween during the Quarantine.. Recent Harris poll More than 70% of millennial mothers suggest that they plan to “get the most out” of Halloween with their families. 80% of all surveys He says going to Trick or Treat is at the top of the list of things to do on Halloween.
But is the 2020 trick or treat safe? Fewer tricks or treats compared to past Halloween activities like house parties and school dances COVID-19 risk managed by parents, Especially for those who can go out to the relatively quiet neighborhood streets-but some safety precautions should be taken even if you live in a rural or suburban area where COVID-19 penetration is low There are cases.
“In an area where the community continues to grow [and things] Have not reached the point Where things are reopeningI don’t think Trick or Treat is a great idea.” Sandra Kesh, MD, An infectious disease specialist, in New York Westmed Medical Group.. “I think it’s okay to plan a trick or treat in areas with low community penetration, but that will be a different experience than last year.”
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Believe it or not, the biggest risk of trick or treat not Candy you and your child receive from each of your neighbors:[Scientists] Most of the surface [bacteria], It’s not considered to be the main mode of SARS-CoV-2 transmission… I don’t think it’s much of a problem to get a candy from home, take it home, and eat it.” Dr. Kesh says. Center for Disease Control and Prevention The most important risk of getting sick on this Halloween is Depends on who is actually trick or treat, Because close contact is defined “People who are within 6 feet of you for more than 10-15 minutes,” explains Dr. Kesch.
The main risks associated with trick or treat are:
- Join a large group of trick or treaters: Are you planning on working with a group of friends to trick or treat this Halloween? Visit people from different households, Have been together for hours There is a risk of infection, especially in small areas where children cannot wear masks (there is no haunted house this year!).
- Face-to-face exposure: Hopefully your “trick or treat?” Interactions at a particular doorway or entrance porch are very short, so there is less risk here. However, the more households you visit, the more likely it is that the bacteria will spread and persist. Especially because other people are heading from door to door.
- Touch sweets, toys, doors and other surfaces: It’s the risk of least concern to parents, Wash your hands often (Or Using hand sanitizerIt can prevent small children from carrying the bacteria home. Parents should be concerned if a child may rub his eyes, pinch his nose, or put his finger in his mouth while out with a dirty hand.
Is it safe to cheat or treat my friends?
House parties (or any event that involves welcoming your neighbors to your home) are never safe, explains Dr. Kesh. But you can limit the COVID-19 risk associated with trick or treat outside Your home by ensuring that a group of tricks or treats stay small. “I don’t have a big pack of 10 kids from school to go out with. I limit it to 3 or 4 children at most,and Choose people who know they are increasing their social distanceDr. Kesch explained, adding that some families may choose the trick or treat alone, simply because the family at risk is at home.
And of course, wear a mask. Halloween already includes many masks, so Incorporate a face cover into your child’s costumeSays Dr. Kesh. Almost all parents should also wear a face mask. If the fancy dress includes a mask that does not cover your face well, add a suitable cloth-based mask underneath.
Other ways to keep your trick or treat session safe:
- Establish basic rules. “Kids should not dig around or touch multiple pieces around the candy bowl. Pick one and ask them to protect it,” advises Dr. Kesh. “And it’s difficult to ask children not to run down the street, but you should ask them to stay as far as possible from people outside their home and to keep social distance even outside .”
- Do not share props, toys, bowls.. If possible, keep your sword, staff and tiara from turning. Ask each of the children to hold their own candy bag.
- Bring hand sanitizer, Practice not touching your face.. “It’s always good to take a break, check in, and give the children a hand sanitizer to disinfect their hands between multiple homes,” adds Dr. Kesch. This is also an opportunity for children to stop wearing the mask when needed and it is in a safe place where you can remove it with clean hands.
Should I Answer the Trick or Treater Door?
If you decide to skip the distribution of sweets this year, you are not on holiday vacation. “The best thing we can do to reduce our risk is to limit our interactions with others as much as possible,” he explains. Mollyhide, MHS, CICInfection manager based in Maryland, MD GBMC Healthcare. “When handing sweets directly, With a face covering your nose and mouth When giving out candies. “
Hyde says that shorter face-to-face interactions reduce the risk of COVID-19, but you can often wash your hands to avoid accidentally taking bacteria home. Needless to say, all strangers should be placed outside the house and instead in the front door or front yard. Dr. Kesh, at the end of the night, Disinfecting the doorknob is a good idea, Doorbells, buzzers, or other contact surfaces outside the house.
Should You Use This Halloween Candy Bowl?
If you care about COVID-19 The Candy Bowl is a fully acceptable solution for trick or treaters and their hosts... “I think candy bowls are a good option if you are at high risk of severe coronavirus symptoms, especially if you live in an area with a high prevalence,” Kesh explains. As a courtesy to your neighbor, you may consider grouping the candies A bag that each visitor can carry around — Reduces the need for children to reach out to a communal bowl. You can make it a little fun Halloween goods bag It can simply be left on your pouch for visitors to take.
Need to disinfect your child’s sweets?
It’s okay for a child to tear a chocolate bar into their mouth while doing a trick or treat. “It’s not supposed to be transmitted this way, but I’m always worried about the danger of touching something carrying an infected substance,” explains Dr. Kesch. “Encourage your children not to eat sweets and wash their hands first until they return home.”
SARS-CoV-2 particles Can last up to 72 hours on plastic surfacesHowever, this groundbreaking discovery was made in the lab, and most Halloween candies have less surface area for hosting bacteria. The disinfection of each candy wrapper may be a little better, explains Dr. Kesh. “Some of the things you can do is to clean up most of the candies in your home for the first three days, and after a while, the rest of the candies can be safely eaten.” She advises
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