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COVID-19 Science that keeps up with science


SALT LAKE CITY — SARS-CoV-2 is the 7th human coronavirus Appear Third to appear in the last 500 years or so, and this century. However, unlike SARS, MERS and other coronaviruses, SARS-CoV-2 has become colloquially a “coronavirus”.

The title seems to be justified until the next coronavirus emerges. More research on coronaviruses has been done because of the disease of COVID-19 caused by SARS-CoV-2 Release So far this year is more than the total for the past 40 years. It’s a flood of new information, its interpretation can be confusing downstream in a stream of public debate that has many problems and many are still unknown.

Underlying all of these studies are scientists who are usually busier than they normally understand and are not necessarily skilled in communicating their expertise directly to the public. But some are trying.

Below are some creative ways professionals are working to bring the latest COVID-19 science to the public.

Virus Podcast

Vincent La Caniello has operated the Virology Laboratory at Columbia University since 1982. “I love viruses, I have a passion for viruses,” Lacaniello told the student in one of his virology studies. lecture Early this year. The same lecture he uploaded to YouTube without having to watch Ivy League tuition.

Since 2008, Racaniello has Virology of the week (Or TWiV), “Podcasts on Viruses”. La Caniello joins TWiV A panel of regular co-hosts in virology, immunology and related disciplines, and a science communicator that helps you express things plainly. Reputable researchers, doctors and epidemiologists The guests Hash the latest virus news and answer listener questions.

of TWiV The audience grew to include scientists and non-scientists, and during pandemics. “Our listeners have grown 25-fold since January,” said Racaniello recently. interview.. “And now every day, people of all kinds steadily ask over 100 email questions.”

The dangers and power of social media in a pandemic

False alarm It can be contagious on any social media platform, and this pandemic is not immune to its effects. What user share On social media they depend heavily on who they trust.

Widely trusted scientists in areas such as virology, immunology, and epidemiology often use Twitter to discuss, debate, and disseminate the latest COVID-19 research.

One of them Steven Goldstein, A virologist who worked at MERS in the past and is currently conducting a PhD research on the evolution of viruses at the University of Utah. “I have special expertise in coronaviruses, so it seemed like it would be useful to do for public communications,” Goldstein told “Twitter is also really good for talking to other scientists that I don’t otherwise interact with.”

Some of the other scientists Trevor Bedford, Kaitlin River, Christian Andersen, Ian Mackay, Florian Crammer, Akiko Iwasaki, Timothy Sheehan, Peter Dazak, Angela Rasmussen And Michael mina, Active on Twitter when not in the lab working on things related to pandemics.

Encounter of science and journalism

During this outbreak, some scientific journalists have been very good at keeping up with research. In this regard, “specific reporters are just as good as many scientists,” Goldstein said. Roxanne ComesI, Ed Yong, Amy Maxmen And Helen Brunswell..

For example, Brunswell Tweet On New Year’s Eve 2019, a cluster of cases of pneumonia of unknown cause reminiscent of her experience with SARS. Four days later she paper for STAT news It turned out to be one of the first US media reports on COVID-19.

STAT news Journalists like Branswell are fully focused on science-based health and medical reporting. Because of this, they continue to anticipate their media curve Report of coronavirusIncludes informative videos, podcasts, interviews, and trackers.

Another useful media resource is Coronavirus vaccine tracker And that Coronavirus drugs and therapeutic trackers Created by the Scientific Journalism Team of New York Times.. These two trackers monitor the progress of over 165 vaccine candidates in development and 20 drugs or treatments and present that information in easy-to-read graphics and instructions.

Your local epidemiologist

So explained According to one group of researchers, a coronavirus pandemic is a “complex problem in a complex system.” At this complex intersection, the local health department is positioned to communicate the most relevant science to the public.

This responsibility is well known to Sam Lefevre, interim director of the Utah Department of Health’s Department of Epidemiology. Lefevre has been involved in public health since 1983 and is involved in addressing emerging public health threats such as HIV, hantavirus, West Nile virus, H1N1 influenza and Zika virus. “Each of these experiences has brought new abilities to the state to respond to COVID,” Lefevre said.

As the scientific process is always in flux, guidance from the Department of Health should be adjusted to keep up with new information as it becomes available. Lefevre told that this applies to his approach to something like a protective mask for his station. evidence From 8 months ago. “Our scientists review and evaluate the literature for scientific strengths,” Refev said of Musk. “Then, after evaluating and weighing the evidence, we make recommendations for the messages we need to create.”

These messages are distributed by a team of public relations communicators through all means of social media and official web pages such as:

Keeping up with the latest science is a constant battle, as new research comes out every day. “As one old general once said, we are always training for the last war,” recalled Reffer. “There are some surprises with the new one.”

About the author: Robert Lawrence

Robert Lawrence is engaged in research and development at a public university in New York and writes about science. His previous experience includes five years as a postdoctoral fellow at the Coronavirus Institute and a public health scientist at the State Institute. You can find out more about his work:


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