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Coronavirus: What does it mean that Middlesbrough is a “area of ​​interest” to the government?


Middlesbrough was officially designated as a “concern” by the government due to the increased number of coronavirus cases.

The announcement came later Since Monday, 48 new cases have been identified throughout the town.

Leaders urged the inhabitants to follow faithfully COVID-19 Guidelines to avoid local lockdowns, as seen in Northwest and Leicester in recent months.

Designation as a “area of ​​concern” does not necessarily impose restrictions on Middlesbrough, but governments may act if the infection rate remains high.

So what does “area of ​​concern” mean? Middlesbrough?

Public Health England (PHE) publishes a weekly watchlist of areas of concern. It is generally based on new coronavirus infection rates and other regional information.

Middlesbrough-the whole district as well as the town center-was included in the list for the first time on Friday night.

Neighboring authorities like Redcar, Cleveland, and Stockton aren’t on the list, despite the rise in new cases.

These locations on the list are classified as either “areas of concern,” “areas of enhanced support,” or “areas of intervention.”

What is the area of ​​intervention?

This is the highest risk category and currently includes parts of Greater Manchester, East Lancashire and West Yorkshire.

In July, Leicester was labeled as an area of ​​intervention, with non-essential stores and businesses shut down, as well as strict blockades with resident travel restrictions.

The blockade came when the rest of the country began to loosen regulations.

(Image: Katie Lunn)

What are the areas of increasing concern?

This means that the areas added to the list will be provided with additional resources such as more mobile test facilities.

What are your concerns?

Areas of concern, such as the current Middlesbrough, are at the bottom of the PHE watch list, but there are areas with the highest rates of new infections in the country.

The Middlesbrough Council estimates that the current infection rate in the town is about 39 per 100,000 people.

It is up to the Middlesbrough Council to carry out further actions that may further test in the care home or work with communities identified as high risk.

The existing coronavirus mandate allows the council to block pubs and other places, but cannot order all to be closed.

Which other areas are on your “concerns” list?

Middlesbrough is currently on the official “Watch List” of the Department of Health and Human Services South Tyneside, Leeds, Kobe and Kettering.

Participated in places that have been under close scrutiny from governments such as Leeds, Stoke-on-Trent, and Luton for several weeks and no further blockade measures have been taken.

Increasing number of coronavirus cases on the teaside

Will we go into lockdown?

If the infection rate in the town remains high, that is possible.

When Middlesbrough tries to recover from the effects of a pandemic, the situation remains unimproved the threat of strict local measures, and when Congress seeks to protect health and work, what Congress wants to avoid at all costs. If there is.

The Public Health team at the Middlesbrough Council is working hard to reduce the spread of the disease by tracking recent positive case contacts and asking them to isolate and isolate the transmission route.

Tony Parkinson, CEO, said council executives were visiting local companies to make sure they were safe, but the first visit found no problems. ..

If the infection rate declines, Middlesbrough is much less likely to be subject to further blockade measures.

However, it is still unclear what they look like and whether neighboring authorities will be affected.

What if Middlesbrough is removed from the list?

Removing a town from the list of concerns does not mean that the area is completely safe.

Oldham was recently removed from the list of concerns, but two weeks later he was back on alert.

If it is removed, necessary steps will be taken by the Department of Health and Human Services to further stop the spread of the virus and continue to encourage the public to play its part in accordance with government guidance.

What does the Middlesbrough Council say?

On Friday, the council urged people to stay indoors with no more than two other households, but no more than six people from different households should be mixed outdoors.

Face covering is essential in all shared transportation and public places, Andy Preston, Mayor of Middlesbrough Again all the staff serving the public were asked to cover their faces.

He called for “bad companies”, which he says are not encouraging mask wear and social distance guidelines, while Congress calls homes across the town a free face to encourage their use. I will send you the cover.

Public official announcements are made regularly at the BBC Tee, but the council prepares a leaflet and conducts additional testing to reduce spreads.


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