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Probiotics May Help Control Childhood Obesity, Findings


Combined with a calorie-controlled diet, the probiotic strain Bifidobacterium brave may help obese children and adolescents lose weight, according to a small study published Monday. e-ECE 2020, 22nd European Conference on Endocrinology.
our Intestinal flora A dynamic population of over 100 trillion microbes in our digestive tract, they are responsible for maintaining immune function, normal metabolism, and protection against pathogens. Diet is considered a major driver of gut microbiota, and microbiota imbalances are associated with disease and infection.

Similar to or similar to the microorganisms naturally present in our bodies, some of these probiotic bacteria can help with digestion, vitamin production, and the destruction of disease-causing cells.

Bifidobacterium is one of the most common bacteria used in probiotics because it naturally lives in our stomach and intestines, Protect from pathogens, Regulates our immune system and provides nutrients by breaking down carbohydrates and fiber. This stock It also produces short chain fatty acids. This also plays an important role. Regulate intestinal health, Hunger and weight.

Because previous studies used a mixture of probiotic strains to assess their effects on obesity control, the authors of the current study sought to find out what happened when bifidobacteria were administered alone. did.

Probiotics for weight management

The authors surveyed 100 children and adolescents aged 6 to 18 who were obese and insulin resistant— Status Because muscle, fat, and liver cells don’t respond well to insulin and can’t easily absorb blood sugar, the pancreas produces more insulin, helping glucose enter the cells. The reduced absorption causes glucose to accumulate in the blood over time, potentially setting the onset stage of type 2 diabetes.
Despite hype, probiotics have little effect on intestinal health for most people, review results

The first author of the study, Dr. Flavia Prodam, an associate professor of clinical nutrition at the Department of Health Sciences at the University of Piedmont Orientale in Italy, said that all children had a Mediterranean-style diet and were able to meet their calorie needs. There is a limit. The kids Received either probiotics or placebo for 8 weeks.

Both groups ultimately experienced reduced body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, insulin resistance, and intestinal E. coli bacterial concentrations. However, participants taking probiotics saw greater results in weight loss, insulin sensitivity, and reduced E. coli levels.

Dr. Christopher Moran, a pediatric gastroenterologist and director of the Pediatric Gastroenterology Fellowship at Boston’s Mass General Hospital, found that it was unusual for probiotics to last for weeks after children stopped taking them. I said. , Who were not involved in the study.

“Many studies show that when you stop taking probiotics, they disappear in the gut and don’t last long,” Moran, an associate professor of pediatrics at Harvard Medical School, added.

Supporting intestinal health in children

Parents who are interested in caring for the intestinal microbiota of the child for weight management or General health You can see the whole food source. many Fermented foods and cultured dairy products — Yogurt, kefir, etc. Goat milk, Aged cheese, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut — including Living probiotics.. The packaged food may contain single or multiple probiotic strains, Food label It is possible to depict which strains exist and they are alive and active.
4 habits for a healthy gut

Foods such as “wheat, onions, bananas, garlic, leeks” can also feed the bifidobacteria in the intestine, Prodam said.

Moran said that children may be genetically and environmentally predisposed to have more or less specific probiotic strains.

“eat Diverse diet “Avoiding many processed foods is paramount,” Moran added. “The more processed foods we eat, the more likely it is to have a negative impact on the microbiota. Not only can it lead to obesity, but also potential gastrointestinal distress such as Crohn’s It can also lead to inflammatory conditions.”

Unknown probiotics

In addition, a longer study is needed to better understand how probiotic supplements can alter the intestinal flora and thereby alter metabolism and weight.

Mediterranean diet wins another longevity victory by improving the microbiome

“There are already data suggesting that obesity may be associated with changes in the microbiome, but many of the data suggest that microbiome changes came first… or weight. I haven’t explained what happened to the changes in the microbiome since the change in “,” said Moran Mer. “We also know that many large dietary changes, especially restricted diets, can have a significant impact on our microbiota.”

Despite the growing popularity of probiotic supplements, many of them No approval required By the US Food and Drug Administration before they hit the shelves. Probiotics marketed as drugs or treatments for specific conditions must first be proven safe and effective through clinical trials and approved by the FDA.

“Probiotics are generally considered safe for most people, but the majority of probiotic trials report safety data that is as rigorous as those reported in pharmaceutical trials. “I don’t,” said Dr. Jeffrey Pradydis, a pediatric gastroenterologist and assistant professor in the department. Pediatrics at Baylor College of Medicine and Texas Children’s Hospital.

“Therefore, the risk of side effects may be higher than we think,” added Preidis, who was not involved in the study. “Parents should consult their child’s doctor before starting any probiotic therapy.”


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