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NC Coronavirus Update September 7: Free COVID-19 Test at Hillsborough Human Service Center in Orange County


Rayleigh, NC-Click here for the latest updates COVID-19 (New Coronavirus Infection) (# If there is no character limit, add parentheses when first appearing, A disease caused by a novel coronavirus in North Carolina.

What can we do for you? Click here for information and resources page for COVID-19

9:30 am
Duke University announced that it has tested 6,840 students, faculty and staff since the last week and has tested six positive cases. Eight students who had previously tested positive were allowed to return to campus.

Monday morning story

The North Carolina Branch of the All-American Workers Union hosts a caravan and parade on Raleigh at 11:00 AM on Monday.

The Alliance wants better workplace safety, protection, and benefits in a pandemic. The parade goes to a black neighborhood to further highlight the issue. At Durham, workers will drop in to Durham County Courthouse, Duke University, and Rolling Hills Apartments to inform their demands.

Orange County is increasing the COVID-19 test this week. From Monday, a free test is available from 1-5 pm at the Whitsted Human Service Center in Hillsboro.

The latest North Carolina COVID-19 number will be released around noon on Monday.

8:43 pm

According to the latest figures from Johns Hopkins University, 6,274,388 confirmed cases of COVID-19 have been confirmed in the United States with a death toll of 188,909.

Worldwide, there were 26,980,731 cases and 881,314 deaths.

12:00 pm
Health authorities in North Carolina have reported 1,086 new COVID-19 cases, for a total of 176,901.

Another person died, bringing the total to 2,890. 77% of hospitals report, with 830 hospitalized. It’s been down one since Saturday. NCDHHS said in a dashboard statement that the submission of inpatient data has been recently delayed due to potential errors in the submitted data.

According to NCDHHS data, 537 ICU beds and 5,321 inpatient hospital beds are empty.

There are 19,925 completed tests for a total of 2,442,950

7:30 am
According to data from Johns Hopkins University, So far 6,246,203 COVID-19 cases in the United States.


10 pm
Durham County has reported 36 COVID-19 cases, for a total of 7,120. 86 people were killed in the entire county.

6:00 pm
Josh Chapin of ABC11 was in Laurel Hills and went out to Laurie’s children and parents to talk about the first full day of the playground reopened in Phase 2.5.

“It’s nice to be outside and come here,” said Scott Tuffer, who went out with his daughter Sasha. “This is her favorite playground, we’ve been here for years, she’s doing this behind us here, walking the ropes and almost forgetting the way It was.”

to see:

The county said that if the park became too full, it would either serve cones or close the gate. The city also reminds guests The playground is not sanitized daily, so be sure to assess your risk

“It’s very nice, especially when I have a high-energy child. It’s great because she can run and play to get everything done,” said Knightdale’s mother, who went out with Chandler at the age of two. Grace Propes said.

1:15 pm
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services has reported another 50 deaths from COVID-19, bringing the total death toll to 2,889 since the beginning of the pandemic in North Carolina. This is the highest daily increase in COVID-19 mortality ever seen in North Carolina.

The newly released number represents 1,561 new positive tests. The state said it would reduce the positive rate to 5.7%.

COVID-19 hospitalizations are not currently accurate. NCDHHS noted on its dashboard that two hospitals were unable to report their admission numbers due to technical issues, so the numbers reported on their website were incomplete.

You can see the state number yourself On this website.

Friday update
5:30 pm
During the White House briefing, President Donald Trump accused Governor Roy Cooper of not opening fast enough.

“When it comes to politics, I think North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and other states should be open,” Trump said. “The Governor-The Governor of the Democratic Party should open on November 4th-should, but they will open now. Keeping the shutdown at the level they continue to is very unfair to the people. “

1:14 pm
Durham City and county officials have announced a change to the current Safer-At-Home Order, which relaxes some rules and aligns regional order with Governor Roy Cooper’s Phase 2.5.

“I believe that Durham’s early adoption of the stay-at-home instruction and the maintenance of more rigorous action than the state could now meet the orders of the Governor. The number of cases is decreasing and COVID while in hospital The number of patients is small.” “As always, pay attention to the number of cases. If the number of cases or hospitalization increases significantly, we may have to go back to our previous limits. To restore our economy, this You can continue to open up in a gradual manner.”

12:30 pm
The North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services reported 2,045 new COVID-19 cases. This is the second time in a week, with over 2,000 cases reported daily. The increase in the number of cases occurs when the country is heading for a holiday weekend, and it is used by health professionals and medical leaders. Encourage people in North Carolina to wear face covers and maintain social distances Even with large families and close friends.

WATCH: Why Physicians More Emphasis on 3 W on Vacation

The state also reported 36 deaths from COVID-19 since March, with a total of 2,839 deaths.

Currently, 955 people are hospitalized with COVID-19, with only 82% of hospitals reporting. NCDHHS said in a dashboard statement that the submission of inpatient data has been recently delayed due to potential errors in the submitted data.

The completed tests jumped significantly on Thursday, reporting 36,259 tests. This is the highest value in the past month. In addition, the state reported the tests completed 23,655 on Friday. This number may increase as test data continues to come from participating laboratories. As of Wednesday, 6.4% of tests are positive.

10:30 am

The Orange County Department of Health has reported 2,344 cases of COVID-19 and 50 virus-related deaths.

On Thursday, UNC Chapel Hill identified a cluster of COVID-19 cases in a Rams Village building and marked the ninth cluster in UNC’s Residence Hall.

Friday morning story

Phase 2.5 of North Carolina’s resumption plan will take place at 5 pm on Friday as the state has made progress on several key COVID-19 metrics over the last few weeks. Parks, playgrounds and gyms will reopen across the state.

Governor Roy Cooper Introduced Phase on Tuesday. The gym and indoor fitness center can be opened with 30% capacity. The Triangle Area YMCA will reopen on 9 September.

The bowling alley can be reopened, but the bar must remain closed. The museum, which has been closed since March, can reach half the capacity.

The $1.1 billion COVID-19 rescue bill is on Governor Cooper’s desk. This proposal gives all households with at least one child a one-time check for $335. In addition, unemployment benefits include an additional $50 per week.

Copyright © 2020 ABC11-WTVD-TV/DT. All Rights Reserved-The Associated Press contributed to this report.


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