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Genome sequencing accelerates cancer detection



image: Recent cancer research shows that genomic mutations that lead to cancer can occur for years, and sometimes even decades, before a patient is diagnosed. Researchers have developed a statistical model to analyze…
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Credit: Spence Phillips / EMBL-EBI

Esophageal cancer is the eighth most common cancer in the world. It often develops in a condition called Barrett’s esophagus. Existing monitoring and treatment methods are very cumbersome, and many patients have to go through tedious steps to keep up with cancer.

The researchers are now developing a statistical model that uses genomic data to accurately predict whether patients with Barrett’s esophagus are at high or low risk of developing cancer.

Fusion of genomics and statistics

Researchers at the University of Cambridge, EMBL’s European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI), and collaborators have sequenced the genome from biopsies routinely collected from patients with Barrett’s esophagus. These patients will be monitored for early signs of esophageal cancer. The researchers used the data to look at the difference between patients who were eventually diagnosed with cancer and those who weren’t. The data was used to develop a statistical model that measures the individual risk of each patient. The research was published in Natural medicine..

Other recent cancer studies have shown that genomic mutations that lead to cancer can occur years before a patient is diagnosed with the disease. The ability to identify these mutations could provide a new route to early diagnosis and treatment.

Using genomic data from 88 patients with Barrett’s esophagus, the researchers identified half of the patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer as “high risk” more than 8 years before diagnosis. The number reached 70% two years before diagnosis. Equally important, the model accurately predicts patients who have a very low risk of developing cancer.

Moritz Gerstung, Group Leader of EMBL-EBI, explains: “One of the unique things about this study is the wealth of data provided by colleagues at the Cambridge Addenbrooke’s Hospital.” “These patients have been monitored for over 15 years and, overall, over time. There were over 800 samples taken from different areas of the esophagus, which allowed us to make a detailed measurement of what kind of genomic alterations occurred and how these trajectories differed. Between one patient and the other. Without such a thorough surveillance program, this study would have been impossible.”

Benefits of early detection

People with Barrett’s esophagus are at a much higher risk of developing esophageal cancer than the general population, but only 1 in 300 patients is diagnosed with cancer each year. Nevertheless, they all have to go through intrusion monitoring procedures every two years. This monitoring can be uncomfortable, stressful, time-consuming for the patient, and places an additional burden on the healthcare system.

“There are two advantages of our method,” explains Sarah Killcoyne, a visiting postdoctoral fellow at EMBL-EBI. “Patients with a high-risk Barrett who are more likely to be cancerous can get treatment sooner, appear genetically stable, and are less likely to develop disease Individuals who have ones do not have to undergo such intense monitoring, because our method helps improve early detection and early treatment without compromising patient safety and eliminates the need for low-risk patients. I hope we can reduce treatment.”

These results mean that the highest-risk patients can be treated immediately, rather than having to repeat a biopsy until early signs of cancer are found. Conversely, patients with low risk and stable disease will be monitored less frequently. Overall, the authors estimate that monitoring can be reduced in 50% of patients with Barrett’s esophagus.

“This is an exciting example of how collaboration between computational biologists and clinical scientists can bring new insights to important clinical issues,” says Rebecca Fitzgerald, Professor of Cancer Prevention and MRC Program Lead at the University of Cambridge. Says. “Esophageal cancer is devastating when diagnosed late, but early intervention can be done endoscopically, avoiding unnecessary chemotherapy and esophagectomy for patients. Similar approaches will be available in the future for other types. It can also spread to cancer.”

According to the authors, the next step is to improve the method, ideally by analyzing data from more patients. It is also important to incorporate clinical information and improve the accuracy of the model. Ultimately, this leads to clinical trials and shows that this model helps in clinical practice for patients currently under surveillance.


Source article

Killcoin, S. , Others (2020). Genome copy number predicts esophageal cancer before transformation. Natural medicine.. Published online 07 09. DOI: 10.1038 / s41591-020-1033-y

European Institute of Bioinformatics (EMBL-EBI)

The European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI) is a world leader in the storage, analysis and dissemination of large biological datasets. We help scientists realize the potential of “big data,” by strengthening their ability to harness complex information to make discoveries that benefit humanity.

From plant biology to mammalian development and disease, we are at the forefront of computational biology research spanning sequence analysis techniques, multidimensional statistical analysis, and data-driven biological discovery.

We are a member of EMBL and are located at the Welcome Genome Campus, one of the world’s largest concentrations of scientific and technical expertise in genomics.

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Cambridge University

The University of Cambridge’s mission is to contribute to society through the pursuit of education, learning and research at the highest international standards. To date, 109 university affiliates have received Nobel Prizes.

Founded in 1209, the university consists of 31 autonomous universities and 150 faculties, departments and institutions. Cambridge is a global university. The 19,000 student body includes 3,700 international students from 120 countries. Cambridge researchers work with colleagues around the world and the university has established large partnerships in Asia, Africa and the United States.

The university is centrally located in the Cambridge Cluster, with more than 61,000 employees and 5,000 knowledge-intensive companies in and around the city generating over £15 billion in revenue each year. The city has issued 316 patents per 100,000 people.

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National Institutes of Health

The National Institutes of Health (NIHR) is the nation’s largest investor in health and care research. NIHR:

-Funds, supports and provides high quality research that benefits NHS, public health and social care

-Involve and engage patients, caregivers and the public to improve the scope, quality and impact of research

-Attract, train and support the best researchers to tackle the complex health and care challenges of the future

-Invest in world-class infrastructure and skilled delivery personnel to transform discoveries into improved treatment and services

-Work with other public funders, charities and industry to maximize the value of research to patients and the economy

The NIHR was established in 2006 to improve national health and wealth through research and is funded by the Ministry of Health and Human Services. In addition to its national role, the NIHR uses UK support from the UK Government to support applied health research for the direct and primary benefit of people in low and middle income countries.

This work used data provided by the patient and collected by the NHS as part of care and support, which would not have been possible without access to this data. NIHR recognizes and appreciates the role of patient data in safe access and storage. This is both the foundation of research and care and the point of improvement. http: // www.nihr.Alternating current.UK/Patient data


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