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Kids learn languages ​​using both hemispheres and also recover from head injuries


Brain damage and stroke can rob communication skills, but verbal ability appears to bounce in infants and young children, unlike adults. why? A new study investigating the question suggests that children may hide a “superpower” in their brains.

A brain imaging study revealed that children can use the right and left hemispheres of the brain for language skills, according to researchers at the Georgetown University Medical Center. It suggests that half the damage allows young people to use the other. Adults, on the other hand, can only engage in certain areas of the left hemisphere for communication. According to the team, the findings suggest a possible reason why children seem to recover much more easily from brain damage than adults.

“I have long been interested in why young children excel in language learning,” said Dr. Elissa L. Newport, a neurologist at Georgetown University Medical Center, to MEA Worldwide (MEAWW). I said. Part of that question involves looking at their brains and understanding how they recover from their injuries.

The brain is divided into two parts. Studies suggest that the left hemisphere is the cause of language. Damage to the left half of the brain Aphasia, Strike suddenly after stroke or head injury. Some of the signs of a condition include speaking in short, incomplete, or incomprehensible sentences, and writing meaningless sentences.

Using both hemispheres will help the child make up for damage after injury. “For example, if the left hemisphere is damaged by a perinatal stroke that occurs shortly after childbirth, the child will use the right hemisphere to learn the language,” Newport explained. “A child born with cerebral palsy that damages only one hemisphere can develop the cognitive abilities needed in the other hemisphere. Our study shows how that is possible. is showing.”

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Infants with damage to either half of the brain are less likely to suffer from language impairment. These facts suggest that the language is distributed to both hemispheres early in life, says Newport. However, previous studies have not gone deep into investigating the problem.

In their study, Dr. Newport and his colleagues enrolled 39 children aged 4 to 13 years. They scanned the brain using an advanced imaging technique that helps professionals map brain functions called functional magnetic resonance technology (fMRI). While the children were doing the sentence comprehension task, researchers looked at which part of the brain was activated.

Their analysis allowed the team to find that children in the early stages of development could use both hemispheres of the brain as language. This ability was strong for people aged 4-6 and weakened with age. “This is very good news for young children who have suffered nerve injury,” said Newport, director of the Center for Brain Plasticity Recovery, a joint venture between Georgetown University and the Medstar National Rehabilitation Network.

Experts do not understand why children lose the ability to engage both halves of the brain over time. However, they speculate that this may be because the adult brain has specific areas for processing speech. “This is not yet fully developed in children. The division of adult skills, each with its own space in the brain, seems to mean that we can no longer reorganize things after an injury. She added.

This study PNAS..

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