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Two Symptoms Help Identify Coronavirus Apart from Influenza This Fall – BGR


  • Medical experts warn that the “windy” threat of coronavirus flu will soon be over, and the convergence of the two respiratory illnesses can be very problematic.
  • Doctors can’t reliably distinguish the difference between the two illnesses, because many symptoms overlap.
  • Two symptoms help to know COVID-19 separately from the flu, but may be insufficient for definitive diagnosis.

Health experts warn us Danger of fusion of coronavirus and influenza During the cold months of months, saying that the flu needs to control the COVID-19 pandemic before it can infect people in the fall and winter. Some people call this convergence a “wind epidemic,” a double epidemic that can affect communities. The more severe the local epidemic of COVID-19, the more likely the twin demic is to be worse, because the new coronavirus is the more infectious of the two. Hospitals can spend more difficult time dealing with two types of patients, and some people may be infected with both pathogens. The coming autumn and winter seasons may show us what this double infection can do to the body.

It is not enough that the world needs to face two different viruses in the coming months. But both coronavirus and influenza Share many symptomsIt becomes almost impossible for doctors and patients to know what the underlying problem is without a test. Patients will also need to be tested for both influenza and COVID-19, although a dual test kit may be available soon. With this in mind, there are two symptoms that need attention as they will be able to distinguish between influenza and COVID-19 and take appropriate measures more quickly.

“We’ll be completely confused,” Arnold Montd, an epidemiologist at the University of Michigan School of Public Health Said Washington Post About future twin demic.

Monto pointed out one characteristic COVID-19 symptom that could be searched for before undergoing proper PCR testing. This is a sudden loss of odor and taste and is increasingly being observed in COVID-19 patients.

However, not all people infected with the new virus are symptomatic. post Note it Recent research It was shown that 85% of 417 people with mild to moderate cases of COVID-19 in Europe reported symptoms.

Flu and colds may also temporarily disappear. However, coronaviruses can result in a more sudden and profound loss of odor, affecting even the ability to distinguish between sweet and bitter. Also, with COVID-19, it can occur without feeling stuffy nose.

Conducted by Karl Philpot, a specialist in otolaryngology at the University of East Anglia Limited researchGive a smell test to 30 people, matched by age and gender. One third of them had COVID-19, 10 had a bad cold, and 10 served as controls. Doctors said people suspected of having COVID-19 could screen themselves at home and sniff out products such as coffee and oranges.

You may have another COVID-19 symptom and tell you that it’s not the flu, or just the flu, that is causing the problem. It is dyspnea, or dyspnea. According to the CDC, odor loss and dyspnea are currently two symptoms not shared with the flu. Half of severely ill patients may develop dyspnea about a week after the onset of symptoms. According to the paper.. This symptom indicates a serious respiratory problem that may require supplemental oxygen therapy or even ventilation.

Before that happens, you should check your breathing habits and look for increased rates. Normal speed is between 12 and 16 per minute. You should consider getting a device called Pulse oximeter You should start using it as soon as you experience a cold, flu, or symptoms of COVID-19. Call your doctor if you start detecting outliers. Typical readings are between 94 and 100 and should be less. The first signs of hypoxemia may occur because not enough oxygen passes through the arteries.

Respiratory problems usually do not occur on their own, but other common symptoms should occur influenza And Coronavirus.. The list includes fever and chills, coughing, body aches, fatigue, vomiting and diarrhea.

However, not all COVID-19 patients have the same symptoms. And there may be cases where people do not develop a loss of odor or dyspnea. They may not be influenza strains yet, but they may be infected with the new coronavirus.

As soon as symptoms appear, put COVID-19 first and consider that it may occur. That way you can separate yourself from others and social distances when you have to get out. You should also always wear a face mask when at home to reduce the risk of transmitting the virus to other families. In particular, if your symptoms worsen, influenza and COVID-19 tests will be prioritized.

Chris Smith started writing about gadgets as a hobby, and before he knew it, he shared his views on technology-related things with readers around the world. When I’m not talking about gadgets, I’ll try hard, but I’m trying to stay away from gadgets. But that’s not necessarily a bad thing.


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