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A new challenge in the US battle against COVID-19 comes with the approaching autumn season.


Before Labor Day this year, health officials wondered how the way Americans chose to ring early in the fall would be the next month of the country’s battle with COVID-19. I warned that it can be shaped. To bring back to 70,000 cases every day,” said Dr. Peter Hotez of the National School of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine. In an effort to avoid another surge of hospitalizations as well as large cases. Memorial Day and July 4th celebration. Many have chosen to abandon the crowd on long weekends. Others were less careful. In San Francisco, the mayor said more than 1,000 people gathered for a celebration of Burning Man culture. According to CNN affiliate WABC, officials closed the bar on weekends in Brooklyn after discovering nearly 300 agents were housed. In Nashville, thousands of people gathered in a bar that operates in a restricted way, urging the mayor to close a section of the road to secure more social distance, CNN affiliate WKRN said. Reported. At Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, many visitors made it almost impossible to stay socially far away, one visitor told CNN affiliate WBOC. “We’re on top of each other this weekend as long as we’re walking along the avenues, along the beaches, and in the ocean.” Holiday crowds use catwalks across the country The summer ends informally, with 19 infectious diseases skyrocketing to more than 6.3 million, with more than 189,000 deaths. Experts have presented tough predictions about what autumn and winter will look like, and the pandemic overlaps with the flu season, opening new fronts, including schools and college campuses. “We are heading towards a more difficult season,” he said. Former Food and Drug Administration’s Scott Gottlieb said at the CBS Face the Nation: “We are heading for autumn and winter when respiratory pathogens like coronaviruses are expected to begin to spread more aggressively. Summer time.” Changed to protect against COVID-19 before new challenges For an American who has grown up tired of the reality and protracted restrictions, staying vigilant seems like a daunting task: in cooler weather, the gatherings of what is already happening against expert advice. With more and more people moving indoors, health officials said the virus could spread more easily Face masks are a national issue – more masks are worn until the end of the year Experts predict that thousands of lives could be saved in the United States: “Looking at countries where mortality is only a fraction of the United States, states, from the beginning of a pandemic, the common theme is universal. It was masking,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, CNN Medical Analyst and Professor of Medicine at George Washington University. Prior to the vaccine, the mask is still the most powerful tool against the virus, doctors said, and it’s being hired by universities across the country to control the infection. But with tens of thousands of students returning to campus, educational institutions are facing significant challenges. Cases of COVID-19 at university have been linked to activities such as athletics, off-campus gatherings, and life in Greece. Some universities have changed plans and moved to remote orders to prevent outbreaks, while others have placed students in quarantine after positive cases. Other universities have sent home students who have violated safety protocols. That’s all because doctors are preparing to fight both flu and COVID-19 at the same time. “We have someone with the flu, or someone has the flu,” said Mr. Godleeve, despite the message that he met President’s expectation that an effective vaccine would be available by election day. I think it is “very unlikely” to have a vaccine available. I think we need to think that this is largely a 2021 event. If there is a vaccine available in 2020, it is likely to be used in a much more targeted way to protect very high-risk populations-mostly in a therapeutic sense,” Gottlieb says. I told CBS. The potential for vaccines will come at the end of this year or at the beginning of next year. However, according to US surgeon Dr. Jerome Adams, the vaccine must be ready to be distributed “just in case” by 1 November. At the beginning of the year or next year.” “But getting a safe and effective vaccine isn’t the only problem; it’s ready to be distributed.” By late October or early November, the vaccine. Earlier this month, CDC Director Robert Redfield said it was an easy preparation. “Now I say I’m seriously prepared for what I expect to happen… December-and understand how to get it distributed in a fair and impartial way across the country It needs to be done,” Redfield told Yahoo Finance.

Before Labor Day this year, how health officials chose to join the beginning of the informal fall, how the next month of the country’s fight against COVID-19 was, I warned you can shape what you will.

Dr. Peter Hotess, Dean of Tropical Medicine at Baylor College of Medicine, said:

In an effort to avoid another case and another surge in hospitalization that happened after the massive Memorial Day and the July 4th celebration, many chose to abandon the crowd over long weekends. Others were less careful.

In San Francisco, the mayor said more than 1,000 people gathered for a celebration of Burning Man culture. In Brooklyn, authorities closed the bar on a weekend after CNN’s affiliates found nearly 300 people were packed inside. WABC report. In Nashville, Thousands Flocked to bars that operate in a restricted way, allowing the mayor to close some of the roads to secure more social distance, CNN affiliate WKRN report.

At Rehoboth Beach, Delaware, one visitor told CNN affiliates that made it nearly impossible for a large number of visitors to be socially separated. WBOC.

“Generally, I thought there was a crowd this summer until the end of Labor Day weekend,” Christine Refever told the station. “We’re pretty much on top of each other this weekend as long as we walk along the avenues, along the beaches and into the ocean,” he said.

Holiday crowds mark the informal end of a devastating summer across the country, with COVID-19 infections surged to more than 6.3 million and more than 189,000 dead. Experts have presented tough predictions about what autumn and winter will look like, and the pandemic coincides with the flu season, opening new fronts, including schools and college campuses.

“We are heading into a more difficult season,” said Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former director of the Food and Drug Administration, at Face The Nation at CBS.

“We are heading to fall and winter, when respiratory pathogens like coronaviruses are expected to become more active than summer.”

New challenges for the future

Continuing vigilance seems like a daunting task for an American who has grown up tired of the altered reality and protracted restrictions to protect against COVID-19. In cooler weather, many of the gatherings already taking place are likely to move indoors, contrary to expert advice, and health officials say the virus can spread more easily.

And in the months leading up to the pandemic, safety measures like face masks remain a national issue, albeit by experts. Prediction Wearing more masks can save thousands of lives by the end of the year.

“When we look at countries where mortality is just a fraction of that in the United States, the common theme from the beginning of the pandemic was universal masking,” said Dr. Jonathan Reiner, MD, a medical analyst and professor of medicine at George. Said.

Prior to vaccines, masks continued to be the most powerful tool against the virus, doctors said, and it was adopted by universities across the country to control infections. But with tens of thousands of students returning to campus, educational institutions face significant challenges.

Cases of COVID-19 at university have been linked to activities such as athletics, off-campus gatherings, and life in Greece. Some colleges have changed plans and moved to remote orders to prevent outbreaks, while others have placed students in quarantine after positive cases. Other universities have sent home students who have violated safety protocols.

That’s all because the doctors are preparing to fight. Both influenza and COVID-19 at the same time.

“We can’t immediately distinguish whether someone has the flu or someone has the covid,” said Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, COVID-19 technical lead at the World Health Organization. say.

Experts: Vaccine Available for Widespread Use in “Unlikely” US

Despite the message that the president will get an effective vaccine by the election day, Gottlieb said the availability of a widely used vaccine in the US this year is “very low.”

“I think we need to think of it as largely the event of 2021. With the vaccine in hand in 2020, it’s likely to be used in a much more targeted way. “Population,” Gottlieb told CBS.

Some experts support the claim that the vaccine is likely to come late this year or early next year. However, according to US surgeon Dr. Jerome Adams, the vaccine must be ready to be distributed “just in case” by November 1.

“We have always said we are promising for a vaccine by the end of this year or the beginning of next year,” Adams told ABC News last week. “But it’s not just about getting a safe and effective vaccine. It’s ready to be distributed.”

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention also called on public health authorities in cities and states nationwide to prepare to distribute the vaccine by late October or early November.

Earlier this month, CDC Director Robert Redfield said it was an easy preparation.

“Now I say I’m seriously prepared for what I expect to be a reality… In November and December, more than one vaccine will be available — and confirm them You need to understand how to redistribute it across the country in a fair and impartial manner,” Redfield told Yahoo Finance.


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