Your face mask may serve as a crude coronavirus vaccine-until the actual vaccine becomes available
Key Point
- Two doctors at the University of California, San Francisco theorize that minimal exposure may cause an asymptomatic immune response in 80% of the population
- Presymptomatic and asymptomatic people shed as much virus as a full-blown COVID-19 case
- Nearly 189,500 Americans have died in COVID-19 so far
Ah New England Medical Journal Commentary A positive wearing a facial mask, released Tuesday, allows the wearer to be exposed to a sufficient amount of coronavirus to provoke an immune response, which serves as a crude vaccine.
Dr. Monica Gandhi and George W. Rutherford of the University of California, San Francisco say exposure can slow down the severity of the disease, guaranteeing that more infections remain asymptomatic. It was
“If supported by this hypothesis, universal masking could be a form of “change” that creates immunity and thereby slows the spread of the virus in the United States and other countries,” the authors write. ..
By late afternoon Tuesday, the United States recorded more than 6.3 million coronavirus infections and nearly 189,500 COVID-19 deaths, Johns Hopkins data is shown..
Gandhi and Rutherford pointed out that presymptomatic and asymptomatic people shed as much virus as patients in the full-blown case. They also note that there is a strong correlation between universal mask wear and disease containment, and the amount of virus received and the severity of the disease.
About 40% of coronavirus cases are asymptomatic, but experts say that if extensive masking is employed, the rate can reach 80%.
“For example, in an outbreak on a closed cruise ship in Argentina, where passengers were provided with surgical masks and N95 masks by staff, the asymptomatic rate was 81%. [as compared with 20% in earlier cruise ship outbreaks without universal masking]”They said.” In two recent outbreaks in a food processing plant in the United States, all workers were issued masks daily and had to wear them. More than 500 people infected Asymptomatic infections have a 95% chance of occurring with mild to moderate symptoms each time they occur.”
The authors also noted that vaccine trials have shown that if the virus is not completely blocked, the severity of the virus is reduced.
Gandhi and Rutherford called for further research to test their theory.
Arizona epidemiologist Saskia Popesque Told the New York Times The theory is “looks like a leap.”
“We don’t have much to support it,” Popescu said, adding it could put people at a higher risk and lead to a false sense of self-satisfaction. May.
There is now 37 vaccines in clinical trials At least 91 under preclinical development. President Trump said he would be ready within the next few weeks.
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