Bolton’s pub landlord says blasting an “offensive” blockade and beer gallons will be wasted
Bolton’s PUB landlord accused the local blockade of “drunk” and said beer gallons would be wasted.
Yesterday, the Secretary of Health announced a new raft raft Coronavirus The post-incident Northern Town blockade limit surged to the highest rate in the country.
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“Old man and Sais manager, Sonya Couperwhaite, 54, said:
“He just told me not to tap the barrel and vent.
“We have customers, and I just said, “I’m sorry, you’ll have to drink up and leave.” We didn’t rush anyone.
“It’s fed up We return to lockdown And how tired of the government is, it has given us very little warning.
“Beer is now wasted. It’s scary to have to do it again after the first lockdown.
“We only have a small team of five and we don’t know what to do or how long this will last.”
Cafe owner, 58-year-old Stargos, was able to dine behind the Perspex screen, but had no customers since the government announced.
Hospitality companies can only sell take-outs and must close between 10 pm and 5 am to further stop the spread of the virus.
Bolton returns to lockdown
There are also rules in the law that prohibit households from meeting in public, and a fine of £100 will be imposed if they violate the rules.
Stargos said: “I’m not happy, but lockdown is something we have to put up with for as long as we need it.
“We need to follow the scientists. I will keep opening and offering takeaways until the lockdown is unlocked. I have to continue.”
It comes as a british face A new £100 fine if you meet in groups of 6 or more indoors or outdoors under strict rules to stop the second Covid wave.
Boris Johnson Incidents continue to proliferate throughout Britain, so we will announce crackdown today at his first No 10 press conference since July.
The rules apply from Monday to gatherings at home, pubs and restaurants and may still be valid at Christmas.
The Secretary of Health told the Department of Defense that the virus was “partly due to the socialization of people in their twenties and thirties,” and “identified many pubs where the virus is widespread.”
Hospitality businesses such as cafes and bars should be restricted because all locations are closed early.
And visitor restrictions are put in place in nursing homes Bolton..
They are the first pub to be closed in England A local Aberdeen bar was closed last month.
It is the first town since the blockade of the nation to face such restrictions that businesses were forced to close again.
In Leicester, they remained closed following a spike during the summer.
It will come later:
On Saturday night, Bolton people were told to avoid confusion with other households and to avoid public transport unless necessary.
Over 90% of cases in this region are in the 18-49 age group.
“This is not what we want to do, but it is clear that the virus is moving through an area that is currently uncontrolled,” said David Greenhull, a Conservative leader of the Bolton Council. You need to stop the rate.
“Now if we can’t control the virus, we continue to put the most vulnerable population at risk and delay their return to normal.”
He denounced “a few irresponsible actions,” which meant that the government had “no choice” other than taking action.
Other areas at risk of local lockdown rules
- In Bolton, 369 new cases were recorded over the seven days to September 5th (equivalent to 128.3 per 100,000 people). This is the highest rate in the UK, rising sharply from 61.9 in seven days to August 29.
- The rate in Bradford also increased significantly from 49.1 to 74.7, with 403 new cases.
- Birmingham is in third place, with rates rising from 30.5 to 69.1 with 789 new cases occurring.
- Salford (increased from 38.2 to 63.4, 164 new cases)
- Manchester (increased from 41.4 to 62.8, 347 new cases)
- Sunderland (increased from 8.6 to 57.3, 159 new cases)
- Leeds (increased from 32.5 to 56.1, 445 new cases)
- Liverpool (increased from 15.1 to 46.2, 230 new cases)
Dr. Helen Rooy, Director of Public Health, Council, said that dessicin was not taken lightly.
“We take all the data into account and can guarantee that there are no alternatives,” he added.
But nothing prevents Bolton people from stopping by to visit Manchester or any other unlocked town to drink beer or go out for a meal.
“Youths are unlikely to die, but definitely they are still at risk,” Hancock warned. Coronavirus..
He stressed that the government has pinned their hopes by securing avccine in the coming months.
The minister also said he had signed contracts with six separate vaccine developers for early access if 340 million doses of the vaccine proved to work.
But earlier this week he suggested It is unlikely to be found until Christmas is over.
People in western Scotland, which are part of Glasgow, East Renfrewshire, and West Dunbartonshire, have also maintained the limit for another week.
They are not allowed to visit the household as part of a bid to stop it from spreading.
Despite pushing messages back to work for weeks and encouraging the British to go out and float the bars and restaurants, the minister is now following two high case numbers. Looks more careful.
The prime minister yesterday told ministers he was concerned about the increase in cases.
He added, “In other countries where increased infections were seen, this was followed by an increase in hospitalization a few weeks later.
A spokesperson said this lunch time: “The prime minister happened elsewhere was that the youth continued to infect older generations with serious illness, and that it did not happen here. He said it was important to ensure.
“The prime minister said the government should remain very vigilant and by ensuring that there is no self-satisfaction from the public, especially young people, by following the guidance on how to prevent the spread of the virus.”
Deputy Vice-President Jonathan Vantham of England said the surge in cases in the 17- to 21-year-old group is increasingly worrisome. They can then infect their parents and grandparents with the virus.
This can dramatically increase current mortality as older people are less likely to be able to fight it.
Vantham added wild party witnessed across the country after the blockade Measures were eased I started to take their toll.
He revealed that the “downstream consequences” of the rally are that the country is now seeing an increased case of transmissions and facing “bumpy rides”.
“I’m very worried that we have to take this seriously so that the problem doesn’t spread over the next few weeks or months,” Vantam said.
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