Possibility of dengue fever in Nice
Health agency Community health organization (ARS) For Nice and Alp Maritime regions Talked about the possibility of “occurrence” For the first time this week, one case of dengue was confirmed on Friday 4th September and another case was confirmed on Monday 7th September.
The use of the word “outbreak” indicates that at least 12 other suspected cases are currently being investigated.
The case is considered a “native” infection. That is, people with confirmed or suspected cases have not traveled to known dengue risk areas in the last 15 days.
Therefore, it is considered that the tiger mosquito (Aedes albopictus) was bitten and infected in mainland France.
The first case confirmed in Nice was a resident of the Pessicart district, and the second case lived in Boulevard Mantega-Righia, west of Boulevard de Cessole.
Both areas are now “quickly mosquito caught” by a dedicated team Mosquito control between departmentsThe ARS said it acted on public roads and private gardens to eliminate all tiger mosquitoes from the area.
Locals are also given free information flyers on how to reduce the number of mosquitoes and keep them from biting. This includes reminding us of the “importance of preventive measures to prevent bites, including wearing outer garments and using mosquito repellent products.”
Locals also [around the home or garden] It may contain stagnant water and therefore provides the basis for mosquito breeding. “
Read more: Stay safe! How to keep mosquitoes away
Read more: What you can do against mosquitoes
These are not the first cases of dengue in France. Once associated with the South, mosquitoes have slowly spread north over the last decade and have been reported in Paris.
Since 2010, at least 50 cases of dengue and chikungunya have been reported in people who have never visited countries where these diseases are endemic.
And in May 2020, mosquito warning agency Vigilance Mustiques warned that 57 provinces in France were wary of tiger mosquitoes.
Read more: 57 French departments on the Tiger Mosquito Tread Alert
Read more: Tiger Mosquito warns of insects spreading throughout the country
Increased risk to France
Aedes aegypti, or tiger mosquito, is also known as a vector for diseases such as dengue, deer, chikungunia, etc. in mainland France.
These diseases “will represent a major health risk across the country for decades to come,” the Health Commission told the French National Assembly in late July. The committee called for strict measures against insects.
In that report, MP Ramlati Ali said: “This is an invasive species and was not present in France by 2004. In 2019, 58 of 96 mainland parts were affected. The mainland has been a mosquito-borne disease for 50 years. Protected against, this is no longer the case today.
“We have to learn to live with them and limit the health effects of the French population.”
Dengue fever: symptoms
Dengue fever occurred in the tropics. It causes high fever, muscle aches, headaches, eye pain, and fatigue, which in some severe cases can be fatal. However, 50-90% of cases are asymptomatic.
ARS recommends calling the GP immediately if you notice any of the above symptoms-especially after a recent mosquito bite.
Rising heat
Dengue is also increasing globally, according to the World Health Organization.
The number of cases has increased eightfold over the past 20 years, from 500,000 cases in 2000 to 2.4 million cases in 2010 and 4.2 million cases in 2019.
The death toll increased from 960 in 2000 to 4,032 in 2015.
Anti-mosquito initiative
Many initiatives around the world are trying to mitigate the harmful effects of tiger mosquitoes and their prevalent diseases. It includes one major non-profit project. World Mosquito Program (WMP).
WMP is an Australian research initiative that was first launched 10 years ago and is partly funded by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation.
The spokesperson for the project, Bruno Col, said the initiative aims to “use mosquitoes against themselves.”
The main purpose is to inoculate female insects with a natural bacterium called “Wolbachia,” which is present in 60% of insects worldwide.
Dr. Anna-Bella Failloux, an entomologist (insect expert) and head of the Arboviruses and Insect Vectors Unit at the Pasteur Institute in Paris, News source Huff post: “[This bacteria] Stops the spread of mosquitoes to reduce the lifespan of female mosquitoes and reduce the risk of transmission if the mosquito bites an infected person. “
This is because bacteria and viruses “colonize in the same environment” in the body and “compete with cellular resources,” making it less likely that a mosquito infected with bacteria will be infected with the virus.
Similarly, the bacterium also serves to reduce mosquito populations globally. Because the youth of female carriers is unlikely to survive, Dr. Filer explained.
The project has successfully released mosquitoes carrying this natural bacterium in Australia, Brazil, Indonesia, and French New Caledonia.
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