COPD Patient Personality Linked to Physical Activity Level
Awareness of relationships between Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) According to a new study, patients’ personalities and their physical activity levels may lead to more personalized interventions for their care.
With the new data, European Respiratory Society (ERS) 2020 Conference This week, a team of French-based investigators showed certain disparities in the physical activity and sedentary behavior of average COPD patients.
A team led by Dr. Pauline Caille of Souffle Clinic at the University of Montpellier and EuroMov Digital Health in Motion sought to interpret the unique relationship between personality traits and physical health behaviors of COPD patients. As they stated, physical activity and sedentary behavior are one of the major predictors of COPD mortality.
“But COPD patients are more active and sedentary than individuals with other chronic illnesses,” they wrote. “Therefore, we need to better understand the predictors of these behaviors.”
Personality traits such as neuroticism, decreased extroversion, and reduced openness to experience are associated with decreased physical activity. Increased neurosis has been associated with more sedentary behavior along with decreased conscience.
To find out how these personality relationships can affect patients with COPD, Caille and colleagues evaluate 108 patients based on their characteristics, physical activity, and sedentary behavior.
Surveyor ratings included a French version of the Big Five Inventory Questionnaire for measuring openness, conscience, extroversion, empathy, and neuroticity, as well as a simple physical activity questionnaire and sedentary behavioral questionnaire. It was
Their average patient size was 68.3 years (±8.8 years) and 43.5% were women. The average patient forced an expiratory volume of 1 second or more (FEV1) Was 49.8% (±22.6).
Patients reported average physical activity of 69.3 (±118.1) minutes per week, while sedentary behavior was 583.6 (±168.2) minutes per day. According to the physical activity classification criteria, the investigators reported that 68% were considered inactive.
Researchers have observed that COPD patients with greater neurosis have less physical activity and greater sedentary behavior (P <.05). Conscience, on the contrary, was positively correlated with physical activity.
Patients with a high degree of consent were less likely to be sedentary throughout the week (P <.01).
According to control variables (Patient FEV1, Gender, age, body mass index [BMI]), the researchers found no significant difference between active and inactive COPD patients. They were unable to predict the likelihood of active or inactive patients based on the results of their personality traits.
The team concluded that they observed a relationship between the personality of COPD patients and their involvement in physical activity and sedentary behavior. The findings suggest that certain factors may help to better understand how targeted rehabilitation efforts are.
“Our results open new research perspectives, and it will be interesting to identify, inter alia, whether personality traits can predict the evolution of these health behaviors after pulmonary rehabilitation,” they wrote.
the study, “Personality traits, physical activity and sedentary behavior in patients with chronic lung diseaseWas announced at ERS 2020.
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