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Australian Australian health expert reveals truth about so-called “success stories”


On Sweden’s National Day in June, Australian man David Steadson raised a flag mast outside a country house two hours north of Stockholm.

He did so in honor of the more than 5000 dead Swedish people Coronavirus Since the country’s leaders have since decided to stand alone on the strategy that has polarized the experts around the world.

But when the locals passed by Steadson’s yard, they asked him: “Who died?”

Still, I still sympathize with a former public health researcher at the University of Queensland who called Sweden home for 20 years.

The deliberate ignorance weighs heavily on the chest, like the virus that has fought since March.

“Sometimes it feels like someone’s struggling with me,” he says. His body is finally “too tired to stay awake” until a short time in the morning, he keeps awake.

Former epidemiologists are “sick” about Swedish public health support, with more than 85,000 people infected with the virus and 5,800 dead, but the streets remain crowded and barely masked.

He has the message that Swedish freedom envy Australians remain blocked: “Swedish strategy has not succeeded. It’s a failure.”

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“The pandemic is not nearing the end”

Even after the testing regime has expanded dramatically, Sweden is warned as it has recorded the lowest positive rate in a few months.

Only 1.3% of the tests showed COVID-19 cases, compared to more than 19% at the peak of the pandemic last week. Its number is smaller than that of neighboring Norway and Denmark.

Public Health Director Johann Carlson said Times This week, Swedish people seem to benefit from this approach.

“Our strategy was consistent and sustainable,” said Carlson. “We are probably low risk [the virus] More widespread than other countries. “

However, Mr. Steedson said that restrictions such as wearing masks and social distance are voluntary rather than legally enforced, so the degree of autonomy given to Sweden suppresses “conflict and inertia”. Said.

Leaders relied on the goodwill and cooperation of people to work at home, stay home even if they were sick, avoid public transport, funerals, parties, weddings and wash their hands.

“Given our limited knowledge of the time, it is scientifically pointless and ethically unacceptable to allow a deadly virus to spread with the hope of a final “group immunity.” It didn’t make sense at all,” he told

“People will die unnecessarily, and I frankly disliked what I was hearing from Swedish public health officials.”

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In March, the Swedish border was wide open and testing and screening were essentially nonexistent, so the state’s public health department claimed everything was fine.
“A week later, the whole family was ill with the symptoms of COVID-19,” says Steadson.

“We all recovered within a few weeks and then fell ill again in the next few weeks. I’m still ill.”

Steadson said the Swedish strategy relied on two false assumptions that it could stop the virus and it wasn’t as lethal as feared.

by New scientistThe infection rate in Sweden is 8200 per million (1000 per million in Australia), with 57 deaths per 100,000. On the other hand, there are 5 in Norway and 11 in Denmark. Australia’s current death toll per 100,000 is 3.1.

Steadson does not say that the pandemic in Sweden is nearing an end.

“In the past two weeks people have been back to school and working, and we continue to have 1000-2000 new cases a week,” Steadson says.

“The numbers are starting to rise again and we expect them to continue to rise as we move in the fall and winter. The pandemic isn’t close to ending in Sweden either.”

“I was told that I shouldn’t go to the doctor”

According to a former scholar at the University of Queensland, more than five months after the infection, it improved weekly, but the days when “someone was strangled and unable to breathe properly” it is continuing.

“I had an inflamed and painful gastrointestinal tract for the last three days. And am I sleeping? Forget.

“In Sweden it is estimated that there are now more than 150,000 people with COVID-19 symptoms for more than 10 weeks. I am one of them. For weeks, under normal circumstances, oxygen supplementation clinical There was blood oxygen level that caused the assessment.

When he first got sick, his doctor’s advice was to stay away.

“I was told not to even go to a doctor because I suspected COVID-19, so I could get medical staff infected,” he says.

Steadson says the portrayal of the virus in the Swedish media is probably more of a concern.

“The press seemed more interested in protecting the Swedish image than reporting facts, and disagreeing with the authorities about their frank ridiculous remarks was almost entirely to foreign journalists. I am entrusted,” he says.

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Swedish model becomes a disaster in Australia

Dr. Nick Talley Australian Medical Journal.. He says the Swedish model was a failure.

“In my view, the Swedish model hasn’t been successful at least to this day,” he told

“One of the clear goals, at least early on, was to reach the herd’s immunity, but this was not achieved, not close, and definitely predictable.

“There were limits, but the philosophy was voluntary, not compulsory. There is evidence that this voluntary lockdown had a major impact on behavior, reflected in, for example, mobility and reduced spending. However, the prevalence and mortality of COVID-19 was significantly higher in Sweden compared to neighboring countries that required blockade.

“The main cause of the failure of the voluntary approach was the spread of infection in homes for older people. Young people also seemed least likely to change their behavior, which may have contributed to the expansion of the community.

“Especially the economy wasn’t saved from the contraction of the approach. I’m not convinced that the Swedish model will be more successful here in Australia. Probably worse if compliance with voluntary recommendations is poor Look at the voluntary but highly recommended use of masks in Sydney.”

[email protected] | @ro_smith


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